Application of Tammuz mythical Character in a Poem by Khalil havi and Abd al-Wahhab Al-Bayati

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Tehran University

2 PhD student at Tehran University



Due to their symbolic characters, myths have been used by poets as the best tool to unravel their thoughts.  Herein, the myth of Tamuz has been the focus of attention more than other myths by contemporary poets. The reason for this should be investigated in the chaotic situation of Arab societies which were entangled in the whirlpool of retardation and despotism. Among the poets in this field, one can refer to Khalil Havi and Abdolvahab Bayati who, in spite of application of Tamuz in line with stimulating Arabic nations, had some differences from each other. In this study, in addition to investigating the Tamuz myth in poems of these two poets through a comparative-analytic method the authors compare the ways of application and the aim of invoking this myth by these poets. The results of the survey demonstrate that Tamuz has been used in Bayaty’s poetry more frequently than in HAVI’S. Also, the ways that Bayaty uses this character are more varied than those by Havi. On the other hand, the atmospheres in which the two poets create this character are tangibly different from each other.  The difference is that Khalil Havi makes a disappointing and one-dimensional ambience dominant on his poetry while the poetry of Bayaty is distinct by the dialectic of desperation and hope.


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