Analyzing the Novel "The Thief and the Dogs" with the Structural Framework of Claude Bremond

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Arabic Language and Literature Department, Ilam University

2 M.A. student in Arabic Language and Literature, Ilam University



The novel (the Thief and the Dogs), the literary work of Najib Mahfouz, similar to his other works, is one of the best world’s contemporary literary works. Its structure and narrative style can be compared to the structural framework of the French prominent structural linguist and narratologist, Claude Bremond. He suggested we should take a look at the logical sequence of several functions as a basic unit instead of taking functions in Props' meaning as minimal narration units. Therefore, the stories which cannot be evaluated in Props' structural pattern can be evaluated easier. The current research, using a descriptive-analytic method, reveals that many of Najib Mahfouz’ current story telling methods in the mentioned novel is in harmony with Claude Bremond’s structural framework. The novel including specific structural and analytic characteristics such as the failure of the main character, namely, Saeed Mehran, at the end of the story, faces some ambiguities which not only get solved through Bremond’s structural framework but also become meaningful and justifiable. It is due to the fact that Bremond’s theory considers the duality of functions which makes it possible for the story champion to be put in any of the two functions. Thus, there exists the possibility of both success and failure for the champion, and this lets one analyze such stories. This novel includes three functions: possibility, process, and consequence. Narratively, the novel includes coherent and meaningful sequences, and a variety of simple, mixed, and chain sequences can be extracted from the novel. This issue indicates the author’s outstanding talent and his great creativity. 


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