Critical and Stylistic Analysis of the Poem Uras

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of kashan

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Semnan

3 AM Student in Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan



Uras”, one of the important and everlasting contemporary Arabic poems written by Ahmed Abdel Muti Hijazi, focuses on the successive failure of Arabs and portrays their infinite regression. It is also felt to be inspired by the Algerian Revolution when making today’s generation resurrect and revolt. In the poem, the poet offers the audience a compassionate overview of what has happened to Arab nations, how they got far from their primary glory and grandeur, and how these were wrecked. According to the poet, it is worthwhile for Eastern countries to take a pattern from the revolution of Algerian people to defend their rights get their countries back from blood suckers. In the light of the importance and high place of the poem, this study is to analyze and criticize it stylistically at three levels: intellectual, literary and linguistic. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the paper evaluates the beauties of the text in terms of composition, texture, rhythm, arrangement of letters, verbal tricks, and so on. As a result, the intellectual prominence of people may lead to their focus on their submission and lost esteem and submission so as to take the Algerian revolution as an example of how to get out crises. The poet has expressed these concepts by using important literary devices such as oxymoron, symbolism, synesthesia, defamiliarization, and intertextuality as well as some linguistic structures that are in close integration with the concepts.


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