Analysis of the concept of ‘subaltern’ for Gayatri Spivakin the novel "Country of butterflies" writing by Wasini Al-Araj: A case study of women

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature Faculty of Literature Bu-Ali Sina University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature Faculty of Literature Bu-Ali Sina University



Wasini Al-Araj, an Algerian contemporary novelist, has used the literary form of novellas a device to represent the problems of subalterns including women. The aim of this study is to check the character of women inhisnovel "Country of butterfly" from the perspective of Gayatri Spivak. Spivak has a postcolonial feministic approach, and she is one of the leading characters in "Subaltern Studies" that introduce homeless people, poor farmers, daily paid laborers, and women as examples of subalterns. However, Spivak focuses on subordinate females. The purpose of "subaltern studies", including Spivak, is to reflect the voice, activity, and mentality of subalterns. This study is based on a descriptive-analytical method. The results indicate that wasini Al-Araj has adopted a reconstructive approach in his novel by giving centrality to women through the narratives of the novel from the perspective of a woman. Also, by granting women agency, social activity, relationships based on logic, choice of spouse, and the ability to see and write, Al-Araj seeks to reconstruct the common subjectivity about women. He has portrayed the gender subordination of women in matters such as forced marriage because of aging, polygamy, men’s right to divorce, loving boys, and so on. 


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