The readout of Osiris myth in the poetry of Samih al-Qasim Based on the model of Joseph Compbell

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor in Arabic Language and Literature at Kashan University

2 AM Student in Arabic Language and Literature Department at Kashan University



One of the myths associated with the meaning of resurrection and rebirth is the Egyptian myth of Osiris. It has a prominent presence in contemporary Arabic poetry, and a massive bulk of poetry has been dedicated to it. The Palestinian poet Samih al-Qasim (1939-2014) is among those who have shown interest in three stages to this myth that are adaptable to the triple stages ofthe journey of the sole hero that is the myth model of Joseph Compbell, the famous American theoretician. The three stages that the poet is inspired byin the mentioned myth are manifested in three the poems of "Over the Emperor Fortress", "Hvaryh Alar" and "Osiris aljadidi". These stages are consistent with thethree stages of "departure", "initiation" and "return". In the light of this recognition and using a descriptive-analytic method, this study seeks to examine and analyze  the mythical character of Osiris, the way it is applied by the poet, and his adherence to the corresponding model. It is concluded that Samih al-Qasim is a poet committed to his motherland, who has recreated the myth of Osiris with a symbolic expression by considering his own specials outlooks and the needs of the contemporary society.


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