Motif of earth and its functions in the novel "War in the land of Egypt" by Joseph Alqyd

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Guilan

2 PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Bu-Ali Sina University



Motif, as one of the most frequent terms in contemporary literary criticism, refers to the systematic and musical repetition of some structures such as sentences, phrases, words, and phrases which shape up the content and style of a text. In narrative texts, understanding the motif helps to understand the text nature, and using a motif is a way of creating coherence in the text. This study aims at the motif of "Land" and its functions in the novel "War in the Land of Egypt" by the Egyptian novelist "Joseph Qyd". The results show that this motifis usedin an organized form in all parts of the novel. It is also found that the perspective of the original narrator is tied to the motif, and every narratorprovides his own perspective on the issue of land. Thesevarious ideas revolve around one point, namely the vital significance of land for the novel characters.


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