The study of Navab’salienation accoriding to the Merton’s end-means theory based on the ode “Talghaton Somma Al-Hadath”

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Yazd University

2 PhD student in Arabic Literature of Yazd University



Alienation is one of the most important issues for the contemporary human. Alienation dates back to the mankind creation. Researchers of different fields have presented numerous interpretations for it. In the current century, psychology and sociology have different approaches to alienation. R.K Merton (1910-2003) was an American sociologist that studied alienation in the matrix of social abnormalities. His theory is known as ‘the end-means theory’. On the basis of this theory, Mozafar Navab, an Iraqi contemporary poet, may be claimed to have been somewhat alienated from his society, i.e. both the government and the people, in terms of his approach for reaching his goals. This paper aims to study the following three issues using a descriptive–analysis method: 1) Navab’s personality according to Merton’s personality types, 2) the most important tools to overcome his alienation, and 3) the impact of end and means on the idioms and words in his ode. The obtained results clarify that the poet has a nonconformist personality. Also, he believes that social structures are not efficient enough for him to reach his goal. Thus, he wants to use rebellion as an approach against governments which use such means as censorship, demagoguery, and so on to save their domination over Arab nations. The high frequency of informative  and subjunctive statements is the prominent feature of his ode. Moreover, the marked words such as, bullet, fire, blood, greif, Hossain, Khaled Eslambooli, emphasize the poet’s nonconformist thoughts against the society and government, along with his revolutionary ideas.


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