Analyzing the aspects of artistic Narcissism in Baroudi's poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature at Shiraz University

2 PhD of Arabic Language and Literature at Isfahan University

3 PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature at Isfahan University



Composing poetry originates from the refined soul of the poet and his subconscious mind. This artistic creation, since ancient times, has been of appeal and praise for mankind. A poet who finds himself at the pinnacle of art and literature becomes proud enough to kneel down to praise the glory of his art. This poetic Narcissism is remarkable in Baroudi's poetry, the pioneer of contemporary Arabic poetry. In this regard, the present study applies a descriptive-analytical method to analyze the phenomenon in his poems through identifying and explaining the artistic expressions of Narcissism there. The factors influencing Baroudi's Narcissism should be sought in his trainings, ambitions, career in military positions, and pursuit of the classical school. These features are manifested in his words and utterances with which he boasts about his modernism, reviving the poetic tradition, power of expression, gift of poetry, and supeiority of his poetry to that of others.


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