The semiotics of the title in the poem of thThe semiotics of the title in the poem “the diary of Saif Bin Ziyazan in the Roman world” by Abdulaziz al-Maqalahe diary of saif bin Zi yazan in the Roman land by Abdulaziz al-Maqalah

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Letter and Human Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University



One of the most effective codes in a text is the title, which introduces the audience to the images as well as the signs and symbols encoded in the vocabulary at the beginning. Choosing a title for an ode is an important and sensitive stage in poetry and reflects the poet’s outlook and experience in relation to the audience. The study of the audience's input in the text is a part of semiotic investigations. The title puts the reader in a position to think about the text and precisely understand and conceive the overall context and the message. In the same vein, AbdulAziz, the contemporary Yemeni poet, chooses the term "the diary" and a historical figure so as to present his main theme and to help the reader better understand the content of the ode. The results indicate a deep relationship between the title and the text of the studied ode. Also, the poet has successfully linked the terms as well as the structural and the semantic fields of the text to the reader. The function of the title of his ode is to express the theme of the stability of the Yemeni people against colonial oppression.  Studying the title of this story at the glossary level reveals the richness of Yemeni folk heritage and its deep roots. The results point to the poet's profound skill in artistic and aesthetic features. At the structural level, the harmony between the voices in the title, the harmony of creation, and the phonetic link in the title are characterized by the repetition of the letters and the last syllable, implying that a savior still seeks to endanger his life to release people from their suffering. At the semantic level, there is a deep and coherent relationship between the title and the text. This tight link serves to prove to the audience the truth of the tenets of the text; that is, the domination of sorrow, homesickness, and incurrence of suffering for the freedom of the homeland.


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