The mask of Abuzar Ghafari in Muin Besiso's poems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature in the University of Tehran

2 PhD student at the Department of Arabic Language and Literature in the University of Tehran


  Using the concept of mask in the contemporary Arabic poetry is one of the most frequent methods of speech to delineate poetic experiences. Muin Besiso is a contemporary Palestinian poet and an outstanding figure of resistance poetry that has used the symbol of mask in his poem very much. The ode “From the pages of Abuzar Ghafari” is a poem in which the poet has selected Abuzar Ghafari, one of the companions of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH), to portray his poetic experience and express his personal thoughts. This paper is an attempt to probe the ode by the descriptive-analytic method in the hope of finding distinctive symbols in Muin's poems. Since there is a similarity between the personalities of the poet and Abuzar, one can say that the functionality of the mask of Abuzar in the poem is acceptable. The dominant voice is the voice of Abuzar through which one can trace Besiso. The ode is the delineation of the realities of Arab societies, the encouragement of people to struggle and resist and the criticism of the Arab rulers.


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