The study of language and gender in the novels The Snow of Cairo by Lena Abdul Rahman and The Yacoubian Building by Ala Aswani based on Lakoff's perspective

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Arabic Language and Literatur, Shahid Madani University

2 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Madani University

3 Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Madani University


Introduction: The discussion of the relationship between language and gender has been a complex and important topic in linguistics in different eras, especially in recent decades. By presenting the collected pieces of evidence, linguists showed that, among the language users, men and women are different in terms of verbal behavior. They consider these changes rooted in factors such as climate, geographical location, and social class. In this regard, with his book "Language and the Status of Women", Lakoff seriously examined the linguistic differences between men and women. In her view, the difference in power between the two sexes has led to the subordination and obedience of women and the domination and superiority of men, and this inequality is reflected in the speech of women in a significant way. The gender characteristics of language can be examined in the novels The Snow of Cairo by Lena Abd ul-Rahman and The Yacoubian Building by Ala Aswani with linguistic skills and literary delicacy. With regard to language, these two try to introduce and identify their individual, social, cultural and political identity and their society. This study aims to identify a new dimension in novel studies by examining the gender linguistics in the mentioned novels based on Lakoff's perspective. It is done in order to acquaint the reader with the world of authors' narratives and their attitude towards them. This study seeks to show how differences in gender lead to differences in speech style and consequently differences in style. There are also other questions that come up in this paper including a) How and in what contexts has gender influenced the language of writers?, and b) How can Lakoff's perspective clarify gender differences among writers?
Methodology: The method of the present study is descriptive-analytical and based on comparisons. First, the whole texts of the two novels are examined, and then examples are extracted in consistence with Robin Lakoff's perspective on linguistic differences related to genders.
Results and Discussion: Obviously, men and women treat language challenges and taboos differently, and women are inherently more inclined to use polite speech. In the novel The Snow of Cairo, the protagonist sees many infidelities and betrayals on the part of his wife and others, so it is natural for him to get upset and utter all sorts of vulgar and non-vulgar words. Nevertheless, he does not tarnish the tone of speech and observes the etiquette in speech and uses the word "curse" only once, which is also used by Sabir's friend. But the novel TheYacoubian Building is full of forbidden words, socio-cultural taboos and theological dilemmas. In this novel, one can find all kinds of words related to dance and song, club and nightclub, sexual issues as well as wine and opium. It is as if the novel is an exhibition for the manifestation and introduction of all kinds of drinking tools and instruments as well as an encyclopedia for identifying all kinds of nightclubs, illicit relationships, homosexuality and debauchery.
Color is noticeable in the novel The Snow of Cairo, and the author has been able to depict different spectrums of color for the audience. The use of light oak, white, jasmine and honey colors reminds the woman of elegance, precision and punctuality. Ala Aswani has also used color to beautify her story space, but her productivity mostly includes colors with the main spectrum such as red, blue, white, yellow and orange.
After studying the novel The Snow of Cairo, it was concluded that no oaths weretaken to accept thoughts and beliefs. In contrast, in various places in the novel The Jacobite Building, oaths, especially to the sacred, are heard in the language of various characters. In the novel The Snow of Cairo, the author uses repetition to conceptualize and create meanings with different motives such as emphasis on words, credibility, and importance of the subject. In his novel, Ala Aswani has used the element of repetition to induce the concept into the mind of the audience. However, the use of this element does not reach the frequency of that by Lena Abdul Rahman.
Lena Abd ul-Rahman has used the question in the novel The Snow of Cairo, in different parts and for different purposes. The questions in this novel are often followed by short and numerous phrases. Aswani, in The Yacoubian Building, also uses the question to emphasize the meaning and persuade the audience about the story; it difference from Lena Abdul Rahman's novel is that it uses fewerless questions, one or at most two.
Conclusion: The Snow of Cairo has a high frequency both in the number and variety of colors and their tints and shades, which refers to feminine elegance, punctuation and meticulousness. This is something that brings the narrative closer to the real world of a thousand colors. Aswani, however, appears to choose holistic and superficial colors, because men consider it more important to work on other issues.
Oaths have no place in the novel The Snow of Cairo. But they are an important element for emphasizing and believing the words and thoughts of the characters in The Yacoubian Building. The non-use of the oath by the female author creates a kind of softness and kindness in the speech and literary style, while the repetition of this component has led to seriousness and emphasis in Aswani’s words.
The characters in the novel The Snow of Cairo behave politely, with respect for the standard language and the observance of moral standards, which has brought politeness to speech as well as softness and kindness to the literary style of the female writer. Also, the use of various idioms by Aswani indicates violence and inflexibility in the narrative space and introduces the general style of his literature.
Both authors have used the element of repetition to reinforce the meaning and confirm their words with the difference that Abdul-Rahman used repetition to remove doubts in important and fateful elements such as jihad, job, etc.
It can be said that the literary language of Lena Abdu-Rahman in this novel is delicate, soft, detailed, full of emotions, politen, sobrious, serious, firm, general, obscene, and rhetorically significant. Grammatical and threatening sentences are the features of Ala Aswani’s literary language.


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