Analysis of Concrete Poetry and its elements in "Harb Man Muthaf Al Athar" and "Isab al-Khof" by Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid.

Document Type : Research Paper


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Analysis of Concrete Poetry and its elements in "Harb Man Muthaf Al Athar" and "Isab al-Khof" by Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid.


Concrete poetry is like a verbal-visual art. In this way, by escaping from the framework of Khalil bin Ahmad's prose, it turned to other literary and artistic genres in order to convey its message to everyone as easily, eloquently and beautifully as possible. Concrete poetry, which is the birth of poetic innovations, entered the arena with a new language in addition to renewing and innovating the familiar weights of the poem and paying attention to the unity and integrity of the subject of the poem. And this new feature compared to traditional poetry, which was always bound by its limitations, gave poetry more dynamism and freedom.

Concrete poetry is a new example of poetry composition where the poet creates a new way of conveying themes to the audience by using visual signs and combining them with his poems and poetic words. By using signs and symbols, creating images or the way of arranging the words of the poem, the poet tries to influence the readers more by using the visual and abstract perception of the audience at the same time.

The new Arab poets have also used this method and the visual form has appeared in their poems. As one of the pioneers of the new Iraqi poetry movement, Abdul Razzaq Abdul wahid has made great use of the visual form in his poems, especially in the poems "Harb Man Muthaf al-Athar" and "Asabe al-Khof", and he has also tried to use other artistic genres in his poems, such as pictures, print and... to give life to his poetry as a living being and in this way to make it easy for the specific and general audience to understand the content and in this way to convey his thoughts and feelings; Therefore, the first step is to collect the necessary information from books and authentic articles, then by reading the poems of the two poems " Harb Man Muthaf al-Athar" and " Asabe al-Khof " the elements of visual poems and their types are extracted.

And in the following, we will investigate and analyze the visual signs used in this poem using the descriptive-analytical method. the current research tries to analyze the paintings, the arrangement of letters and words, whiteness, geometric shapes, visual tone, visual distinction and punctuation marks used in these poems with the descriptive-analytical method while presenting examples that indicate visual elements. and also seeks a more correct inference and understanding of the secret of using these forms and deciphering these signs.

Also, this research tries to show the literary and aesthetic value of Concrete poetry in these two works to interested audiences and researchers in this field and to familiarize them more with this Arabic poet. Therefore, the importance of Concrete poetry shows in the fact that the audience is in the center of attention more than ever, and the Concrete poet has tried to use different visual elements; To attract the audience's attention to the poetic text, to let them to think more, to make the audience participate in the poetic text, to discover poet’s unsaid words, and to enjoy this verbal-visual art more than before.

Regarding the innovation of this research, it should be said that in relation to Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid, this Iraqi poet who has nicknames such as al-Mutanbi al-Alakhir, etc…and Although it has a great literary position in poetic techniques; Special attention has not been paid and it is unknown in our society, and Concrete poetry has not been given much attention in the divan’s of Iraqi poets due to the novelty of the topic and visual elements. Therefore, this research is new and important in these aspects.

Also, due to the novelty of the topic and visual elements, Concrete poetry has not been given much attention in the court of Iraqi poets. Therefore, this research is new and important in these aspects.

The results obtained from this research show that including the visual elements in these poems; whiteness, painting, visual tone and different lines of the poem have a high frequency, and one of the geometric forms that the poet has used a lot is the polygonal line. The poet's goal is to visualize the themes of the poem and make his words more effective in addition to deepening his literary works through these visual forms. In addition, it will show the audience the place and importance of Concrete poetry in Iraqi literature, and also, as a new research, it can clarify the position of Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid as one of the pioneers of Iraqi poetry for Iraqi and Iranian readers.

Keywords: Concrete poetry, Abdul Razzaq Abdul Wahid, the poem Harb Man Muthaf al-Athar, Asabe al-Khof
