A Sociological Criticism of the novel “Orag” by Esam Abdolati in "Neiran Sasdighe" Collection by AlaAsvani

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic language and literature, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 MA Holder, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, AllamehTabatabai University


Sociology of literature, on the one hand, is related to sociology and ,on the other hand, to literature.This approach mainly focuses on the structure and the content of the literary work and its relation to the society. It also scrutinizes the interaction between literature and the society as well as how the writer reflects social issues from intellectual, religious and social perspectives inthe literary work. The current paper analyzes the novel “Oragh”, by EsamAbdolati  adopted from the book “NeiranSadigh” by AlaAsvani, the famous Egyptian writer, from a sociological point of view. The study reveals thatAlaAsvanihas mainly focused on the status of the artists and intellectuals in the Egyptian society. The content of the novel centers around the disregard toward thegifted individuals in scientific and artistic areas in the Egyptian society. By creating talented and capable characters in artistic and scientific domains, the writer tries to depict the problems pertinent to the gifted individuals. Moreover, the writer tries to offer a realistic picture of people`s social life in his era.  The novel also offers a criticism of the Egyptian cultural, social and political status. The works of AlaAsvani, as well as those of NajibMahfuz and other writers have been influential in the occurrence of the Egyptian Revolution.


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