Ashurain mirror of the Poetry of Allamah Fadl-Allāh

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University


Allamah Muhammad Hussein Fadl-Allāhis among the  contemporary  Arab jurists and poets. Besides his studies in religious sciences and due to his rich talent in literature, he has composed some valuable poetry Diwans which have not yet received adequate attention. Among  them, we can refer to "Qasayedel-islamva al-Hayat", and" FiZelal al-islam" each of which contains beautiful odes by Allamah Fadl-Allāh. In an ode entitled "fi al-marâqedalhoseyni" in "Qasayedelislam", Allamah Fadl-Allāh mentions the characteristics of Imam Hussain (AS), his uprising and the link between Ashuraand the contemporary world. He also portrays various scenes of Ashura in his own writing including an image of Foratriver after Imam Hossain’s martyrdom. In his poems, Allamah Fadl-Allāhhas used a number of literary devices including simile, metaphor, repetition and present tense.  Due to his studies in Najaf’s seminary School and his familiarity with Islamic sciences, he has been greatly influenced by the Quran and Hadith in his poems. It should be noted that the poet has partly composed poems on Imam Hussain (AS) in his other Diwan named "Fi Zelal al-islam".Using an analytic-descriptive approach, the authors of the present paper study the aesthetic aspects of AllamahFadl-Allāh's poetry on the Ashura event.


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