Character creation in Children's literature: an investigation into GhesasAnSalab by Zohair Ibrahim Rassam

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sinauniversity

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiat Modarres University

3 M.A Graduate of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Persian Gulf University


Children are talented to accept or reject many beliefs as childhood has been regarded as a very important stage in life of nations. This intensifies the psychological and educational function of children’s literature with its most important aspect manifested as character creation. Hence, the character of the children’s literature must be natural and credible in addition to being imaginative, resolving the obstacles properly. Credibility and qualificationsof hero make the character lovable and exemplary to children. Zohair Ibrahim Rassam, Iraqi writer, has paid a particular attention to characterization in GhesasAnSa’lab. The current research using descriptive-analytical method intends to clarify credibility and competence of characters in the fiction and elaborate their strategies through artistic analysis of characters especially the main characters of the story. Findings indicate that the narrator using the techniques such as stability, simplicity, real behaviors in world of text and diversity of most of characters render them as believable and competent. Focusing on themes such as wisdom and resistance against the negative character of the story which is a wily fox, the narrator tries to stabilize such features in children’s minds.


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