The Mythological Reading of eternity Tendency in Abd-Alvahhab Al-bayyati’s poems

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


In human thought ultimate-looking approach, eternity inclination has been the purest, the most pleasant and maybe the most sorrowful melody since the ancient times. This has created the essence and the abstract of the most prominent odes of creation in human mind. Dealing  with this concept appears an enchanting and inescapable case not only in contemporary age in Arabic eastern literature and especially before Tamooz school poets but also from the time of Gilgamesh Epic and search for eternity herbals to’ the desire for human eternal return in God-believer creeds and life water stream thought or Ayn al-hayat.
Drawing from the mythological criticism, the present article tries to read as case studies those groups of Abd Al-Vahhab Al-bayyati’s writings on death in which eternity songs and reexisting poems are uttered  and from the very deep and sorrowful and deathline existence promises Ishtar presence and return of existence soul and life spirit to the earth outhomnal corpse and its alien residents. Given the above, the  eternity inclination in Al-bayyati’s poems will be reviewed in this research on the basis of the most prominent patterns of herbal goddess of old myth of rebirth and resurrection of Iraq’s people (Mesopotamie in old times). The results of this study show that among the poets raising the resurrection and eternal return concepts in the contemporary Arabic literature, Bayyati is the most prominent poet who has focused on this concept. Hence, he is not the only the poet who conveys and recalls old legends in his resurrection ballads, but also a creator of another kind of mythology in the new age.
*This essay is derived from the author's research with nomber 27826 advocated by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.


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