Analysis of the Multi-voice Narrative Technique in the Novels ‘Mavajeo alshatat’ and ‘Vajhan leangha vahedah’ Written by Abdul Karim Nasif

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate PhD, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, University of Tehran


One of the techniques in writing novels is multi-voice technique, which is considered as a connection between classical and realistic novels. The origin of this technique of novel writing can be traced in American and European literature. In contemporary Arabic literature‚ many multi-voice novels have emerged. This story writing style has a considerable impact on the contemporary Syrian realistic writer‚ Nassif. He is one of the authors who has used this narrative style in his novels. In this research, we intend to review two of Nassif’s novels focusing on the structural features of those multi-voice novels (i.e. lack of consistency of discourse ‚ conversation, and language variety). In the course of this review ‚ we will explain the content and the theme of the stories. The results show what multi-voice form characterizes these two novels and how the writer depicts the current phenomenal events in the Middle East by using this narrative technique  from the viewpoints of different people. So, it can be said that the method of the study is descriptive-analytical.


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