Analysis of Badr Shaker Sayab’s ode ‘Sefr-e-Ayyoob’ According to Frankel`s School of Logotherapy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Arak University

2 PhD student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Arak University

3 MA of Clinical Psychology



Logotherapy is defined as therapy in terms of meaning, healing in terms of meaning, or psychotherapy focused on meaning. It is a psychological school named after Victor Frankel, a Vienna university nerves specialist and philosophy and psychiatry professor.
This study, conducted in terms of positivism and using a descriptive-analytical method, aims to compare the foundations of logotherapy regarding the famous Arab poet Badr Shaker Al-Sayab in his ode “Sefr-e-Ayyoob”. This ode is one of the most beautiful and memorable poems of Sayab which was written at the time of saying goodbye to the life and going away from his home. He describes his mood, taking Saint Ayyoob`s (pbuh) personality. The studies indicate that seizing the time is a significant principle shared by both Sayab and Frankel. Faith and trust in God is also a common ground of their thinking. Absolute faith, remaining happy in the face of illnesses and physical difficulties, patience to life accidents and trials and submission to God`s will are the indications of logotherapy and positivist psychology in Sayab`s ode, many of which include today’s psychological paradigms for meaningfulness of life.


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