Utopia and Dystopia in Science Fictions of Tawfiq al-Hakim: A Case Study of the Play Journey to Tomorrow and the Story in the Year Million

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 Master of Arabic Language and Literature, Kharazmi University of Tehran



Science fiction is one of the literary genres that was raised in the field of prose literature. This genre challenges science and scientific progress and encourages speculation about the future and fate of humanity by making predictions. One of the main issues of the genre is Utopia and dystopia. The idea of creating a utopia has attracted the attention of scholars dating back to Plato about two thousand five hundred years ago. He was the one who founded the idea of utopia, and, for centuries, it was believed that scientific advances would push people closer to utopia. However, after the world wars, some scholars suspected the future of homosapiens. Aldous Huxley was the first to pay attention to the ridiculed scientific utopia and science in his book ‘Utopia’. According to the science, cities are not Utopian. Although they have access to knowledge and scientific progress, achieving knowledge would be a misfortune for humanity because human beings kill each other. Tawfiq al-Hakim was the first author who started to write in this area. Among his works in this genre, one can mention If only youth knew, Journey to Tomorrow, and In the Year Million. While trying to investigate Utopia and Dystopia in some of Tawfigh’s science-fictional works, the researchers used a descriptive-analytical approach. It is finally found that Tawfiq al-Hakim does not see any bright future for scientific progress.


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