Rashed Hossein (1936-1977M) is considered as one of ironical poets in third generation of the Palestine defiance literature. He has other titles such as: “The founder of humorous and irony poet in defiance literature” and “the poet of bitter ironies”. The findings of the current study reveal that Rashed ironies from topical and content point of view are related to political and social ironies. In reality, the poet has considered them as an aperture to announce his own personal, political and social disturbances. He focused on two ironical factors while stating ironical points; explicit irony which the poet blame the social and political groups of Arabs bravely, and in the other one the poet ridicule the existed challenges and events in defiance front (jibhe) implicitly. Moreover, Rashed has selected various ways for stating ridicules and irony matters which among these way we can mention: false drawing and changed faces of Arab leaders, irony in the form of advice, using question and response method, correspondence, imaging techniques, and new arrays, Jihad values, etc. the present study aims at investigating and analyzing contents and ironic methods in poems an related to defiance.
1, 1. (2013). Bitter irony in the poem of Palastine defiance (The research study: Rashed Hossein poem). Journal of The Journal of New Critical Arabic Literature, 2(3), 77-101.
1, 1. . "Bitter irony in the poem of Palastine defiance (The research study: Rashed Hossein poem)", Journal of The Journal of New Critical Arabic Literature, 2, 3, 2013, 77-101.
1, 1. (2013). 'Bitter irony in the poem of Palastine defiance (The research study: Rashed Hossein poem)', Journal of The Journal of New Critical Arabic Literature, 2(3), pp. 77-101.
1. 1, "Bitter irony in the poem of Palastine defiance (The research study: Rashed Hossein poem)," Journal of The Journal of New Critical Arabic Literature, 2 3 (2013): 77-101,
1, 1. Bitter irony in the poem of Palastine defiance (The research study: Rashed Hossein poem). Journal of The Journal of New Critical Arabic Literature, 2013; 2(3): 77-101.