Critical discourse analysis of the quadriparitite "Al-Khusuf" based on Norman Fairclough’s theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Arabic language and literature; Arak University

2 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department; Arak University

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature Department; Arak University



Critical discourse analysis, as an interdisciplinary field, goes beyond examining texts at the level of sentences and words; indeed, it focuses on the contextual framework in which the text is organized. Norman Fairclough is one of the theorists in this field who considers three levels of description, interpretation and explanation for his theory. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this study attempts to examine the three levels set by Norman Fairclough for the critical discourse of the four sections of Al-Khusuf novel. In this novel, Ibrahim Al-Kawni uses a combination of lexical repetitions, collocations, antonyms and conceptual and rhetorical metaphors. To explain the political, social and cultural conditions of the society, he also focuses on the foundations of realism and magical realism with references to various texts such as Quran, religious quotations, past poets, proverbs, folk idioms, and myths of the Sahara. He deals with anti-colonial discourse on issues such as the life of Tuareq tribes, the political, social and cultural unrest in the Libyan society during European colonialism, and the confrontation of tradition and modernity. The author mainly seeks freedom and change.


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