Semiotic analysis of the ballad ‘Belgique’ by Nazar Qobbani based on the Michael Reifatore's exploratory reading theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch

2 Assistant Professor, Arabic Department, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch

3 Assistant Professor of Arabic Studies at Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch



Semiotics is one of analytical approaches devised in the second half of the twentieth century. A French-American critic, Michael Riftard, wrote a book on poetry semiotics and suggested that a poem can be dealt with through exploratory and reciprocal readings. The first reading examines the central meaning of the poem. In the second reading, with regard to linguistic implications, after the elements of negation are examined, the inner connection of the elements of the text is explained in the form of accumulation and descriptive systems. Then, the reader receives the holograms. Ultimately, these discussions lead to the reception and discovery of the structural network of the poem. This study is based on a descriptive-analytical method and aims at the reading of a part of the Belghyse poem by Nizar Qobbani, a Syrian poet. The exploratory readings of this verse indicate that the poet refers to the death of Belghyse so as to express his love for the beloved with romantic words. The reciprocal reading, however, shows that this poem has two accumulations and descriptive systems. In the first accumulation, the beloved is intended, and the descriptive system of that is homeland. In the second accumulation, Arab nations are intended, and the descriptive system of that is Arab identity. The poet refers to his community with symbolism. Finally, the structural network comes to help the reader. The findings of the research show that Reifatore's approach is in line with the Belghyse allegory, which can be used to take deeper insights into such issues as love, woman, national identity, homeland, freedom, struggle against despotism and backwardness.


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