The Stylistic Analysis of the Ode "Challenge" by Muin Bseiso at Rhythmic, Morphological and Grammatical Levels

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student of Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin

2 Associate Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin


Literary genres illustrate the author’s interaction with linguistic features as manifested at different levels. Recurrent patterns in any text type are distinct from those in other types. Palestinian resistance is one of the most popular themes in Arabic poetry. With its contents and approaches, it has a particular style that illuminates how the Palestinian poets are distinguished for their language style. "Challenge" is one of the most important and influential songs released during the great fire in Egypt in 1952. Because of his revolutionary and antagonistic themes, the poet was wanted by the Egyptian security police. The present study aims to investigate the elegy of Challenge in a descriptive-analytic method to notify its linguistic and literary characteristics. The results indicate that Bseiso had selected a rhythmic language and a kind of monotony that can be seen in the selection of words. The poet's communist points of view, using explicit vocabulary in standard grammar, are expressed in a plain and expressive language.


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