Tracking the narrative elements of A Thousand and One Nights in the novel Badr-e Zamaneh by Mubarak Rabie

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Arabic Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah

2 Associate Professor at the Razi University of Kermanshah

3 Arabic Master of Razi University of Kermanshah


Since long, A Thousand and One Nights, as a legacy of folk literature, has inspired the works of many authors everywhere in the world. Contemporary writers in the Arab world have certainly not missed the fictional assets of this valuable masterpiece to express their intellectual concerns, sufferings, and desires. Mubarak Rabie, the writer of the novel Badr-e zamaneh,  has integrated the two anecdotes into one theme. He has created a socio-educational work with artistic uses of Shahrzad and Shahriar's story. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present research seeks to understand the author's inspiration from A Thousand and One Nights, in particular the legend of Shahrzad, and then detect the narrative elements that are often in line with those of this folk masterpiece.  As it seems, the story in the work, despite characters such as Shahramush and Bayruz, takes place in a very distant, unknown, and sometimes frightening time and place. The multiplicity of the two real and mythical anecdotes, the causal relationships and the language of the narration that resembles oral narration connect Badr-e Zamaneh to A Thousand and One Nights and the myth of Shahrzad. In terms of the content, the author is interested in the sociology and psychology of Shahrzad and Shahriar's story, the issue of child rearing, the status of woman and her rationality, and the position of the community leader in providing people with happiness and failure. He has focused on the confrontation between good and evil forces.


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