Analysis of symbols and myths in the Khalil Havi’s ode " Sindbad Fi Rahelet Al-Thamaneh "

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Hakim Sabzevari University


Analysis of symbols and myths in the Khalil Havi’s ode " Sindbad Fi Rahelet Al-Thamaneh "


Khalil Havi has used various symbols and myths in his poem "Al-Sindbad Fi Rahetha al-Thamaneh" which the political and social conditions in his native Arabic and territories have been effective in creating such a poem. This article examines the function and application of symbols and myths through the descriptive-analytical method in this poem. In this poem Sindbad is as a contemporary man who the poet himself is behind the mask of him, expressing his own experience. In this poem, the giant is a symbol of destruction and rebellion. the poet, by presenting an image of the owl, complains about society with pretense and hypocrisy, and remembers enemies as crocodiles. He knows the sun as the symbol of freedom and honesty in the poem, and fire is used as a symbol of purification, positive powers, resurrection and rebirth. Khalil Havi mentions grape tree and wine as a symbol of Christ and eternal life. Lightning and the myth of Baal is a symbol of rising and fertility. In general, the function of symbols and myths in this work, written in line with the overall concept, and reveals shortcomings and inaccuracies, but they hope to overcome and eliminate them.

Khalil Havi has used various symbols and myths in his poem "Al-Sindbad Fi Rahetha al-Thamaneh" which the political and social conditions in his native Arabic and territories have been effective in creating such a poem. This article examines the function and application of symbols and myths through the descriptive-analytical method in this poem. In this poem Sindbad is as a contemporary man who the poet himself is behind the mask of him, expressing his own experience. In this poem, the giant is a symbol of destruction and rebellion. the poet, by presenting an image of the owl, complains about society with pretense and hypocrisy, and remembers enemies as crocodiles. He knows the sun as the symbol of freedom and honesty in the poem, and fire is used as a symbol of purification, positive powers, resurrection and rebirth. Khalil Havi mentions grape tree and wine as a symbol of Christ and eternal life. Lightning and the myth of Baal is a symbol of rising and fertility. In general, the function of symbols and myths in this work, written in line with the overall concept, and reveals shortcomings and inaccuracies, but they hope to overcome and eliminate them.

Keywords: Symbol, myth, Khalil Havi, Al-Sinbad Fi Rahelet Al-Thamaneh.

Keywords: Symbol, myth, Khalil Havi, Al-Sinbad Fi Rahelet Al-Thamaneh.

Khalil Havi has used various symbols and myths in his poem "Al-Sindbad Fi Rahetha al-Thamaneh" which the political and social conditions in his native Arabic and territories have been effective in creating such a poem. This article examines the function and application of symbols and myths through the descriptive-analytical method in this poem. In this poem Sindbad is as a contemporary man who the poet himself is behind the mask of him, expressing his own experience. In this poem, the giant is a symbol of destruction and rebellion. the poet, by presenting an image of the owl, complains about society with pretense and hypocrisy, and remembers enemies as crocodiles. He knows the sun as the symbol of freedom and honesty in the poem, and fire is used as a symbol of purification, positive powers, resurrection and rebirth. Khalil Havi mentions grape tree and wine as a symbol of Christ and eternal life. Lightning and the myth of Baal is a symbol of rising and fertility. In general, the function of symbols and myths in this work, written in line with the overall concept, and reveals shortcomings and inaccuracies, but they hope to overcome and eliminate them.Khalil Havi has used various symbols and myths in his poem "Al-Sindbad Fi Rahetha al-Thamaneh" which the political and social conditions in his native Arabic and territories have been effective in creating such a poem. This article examines the function and application of symbols and myths through the descriptive-analytical method in this poem. In this poem Sindbad is as a contemporary man who the poet himself is behind the mask of him, expressing his own experience. In this poem, the giant is a symbol of destruction and rebellion. the poet, by presenting an image of the owl, complains about society with pretense and hypocrisy, and remembers enemies as crocodiles. He knows the sun as the symbol of freedom and honesty in the poem, and fire is used as a symbol of purification, positive powers, resurrection and rebirth. Khalil Havi mentions grape tree and wine as a symbol of Christ and eternal life. Lightning and the myth of Baal is a symbol of rising and fertility. In general, the function of symbols and myths in this work, written in line with the overall concept, and reveals shortcomings and inaccuracies, but they hope to overcome and eliminate them.


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