Analysis of Nizar Qabbani's psychoses in "Balqis Ode" According to Kubler Ross' theory of mourning

Document Type : Research Paper


1 : Professor of Arab Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University

2 PhD student in Arabic Language and Literature, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University


Death is one of the natural phenomena that has always been a challenging issue for humans and according to their cultural and social environment, people have had different dealings with death and the anxiety caused by it. Kubler Ross is one of the first psychiatrists who tried to define a systematic method and framework for death and how come face to face with it. In his theory, he considers five stages namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance for terminally ill patients so that they can accept their death by knowing and applying these stages and continue their lives with calmness and without fear or anxiety. Kubler Ross's theory can be applied to all bereaved people and those who have experienced spiritual and emotional failures in their lives. Nizar Qabbani's "Balqis Ode" is one of the texts that can be adapted to the mentioned theory. This ode, which was written as an obituary in the description of "Balqis al-Ravi", is a full-view mirror of Nizar Qabbani's mental and emotional turmoil and sharp views on current issues in the Arab society. The present research tries to analyze the mental and psychological states of Nizar Qabbani in the mentioned Ode by descriptive-analytical method and based on the theory of mourning. According to the results of the research, in this ode, the poet goes all through the five stages of the theory of mourning in an irregular manner and finally reaches its highest stage, which is the stage of acceptance and accepts the death of his wife. At each stage, he returns to the stage of anger and shows his anger at the factors involved in the killing of Balqis.
Death is one of the natural phenomena that has always been a challenging issue for humans and according to their cultural and social environment, people have had different dealings with death and the anxiety caused by it. Kubler Ross is one of the first psychiatrists who tried to define a systematic method and framework for death and how come face to face with it. In his theory, he considers five stages namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance for terminally ill patients so that they can accept their death by knowing and applying these stages and continue their lives with calmness and without fear or anxiety. Kubler Ross's theory can be applied to all bereaved people and those who have experienced spiritual and emotional failures in their lives. Nizar Qabbani's "Balqis Ode" is one of the texts that can be adapted to the mentioned theory. This ode, which was written as an obituary in the description of "Balqis al-Ravi", is a full-view mirror of Nizar Qabbani's mental and emotional turmoil and sharp views on current issues in the Arab society. The present research tries to analyze the mental and psychological states of Nizar Qabbani in the mentioned Ode by descriptive-analytical method and based on the theory of mourning. According to the results of the research, in this ode, the poet goes all through the five stages of the theory of mourning in an irregular manner and finally reaches its highest stage, which is the stage of acceptance and accepts the death of his wife. At each stage, he returns to the stage of anger and shows his anger at the factors involved in the killing of Balqis.
Death is one of the natural phenomena that has always been a challenging issue for humans and according to their cultural and social environment, people have had different dealings with death and the anxiety caused by it. Kubler Ross is one of the first psychiatrists who tried to define a systematic method and framework for death and how come face to face with it. In his theory, he considers five stages namely denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance for terminally ill patients so that they can accept their death by knowing and applying these stages and continue their lives with calmness and without fear or anxiety. Kubler Ross's theory can be applied to all bereaved people and those who have experienced spiritual and emotional failures in their lives. Nizar Qabbani's "Balqis Ode" is one of the texts that can be adapted to the mentioned theory. This ode, which was written as an obituary in the description of "Balqis al-Ravi", is a full-view mirror of Nizar Qabbani's mental and emotional turmoil and sharp views on current issues in the Arab society. The present research tries to analyze the mental and psychological states of Nizar Qabbani in the mentioned Ode by descriptive-analytical method and based on the theory of mourning. According to the results of the research, in this ode, the poet goes all through the five stages of the theory of mourning in an irregular manner and finally reaches its highest stage, which is the stage of acceptance and accepts the death of his wife. At each stage, he returns to the stage of anger and shows his anger at the factors involved in the killing of Balqis.


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