Investigating the critical lyrics of Nezar GHabani based on George Lukach’s theory

Document Type : Research Paper


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Introduction: The term “Critical Realism” for the first time by George Lukach was one of the most prominent literary crirtics of the twentieth century, and from the theorists of the “social realism” in literature for a wider realm of litrrature, he knows the author of community reform and transformation. Critical realism focuses on dissatisfaction with the current status and trying to change it, and the pursuit of two mail goals is the first attempt to awaken the people from the existing situation and the second spirit in the people. From the view of this theorist, a realistic literary work must have three basic conditions: courage and honesty in the issue of the issue, criticizing the undesirable conditions of society and the expression of fundamental issues from the problems of the people and the people of being. Meanwhile, the 'Nezar Qabani' is a prominent poet of contemporary Arab poetry, which, after defeating 1967, has written a lot of critical poems, and its poetry achievements are capable of being analyzed from this point of view. In the light of the importance of the issue and to the fact that the poet has allocated its massive volume of poetry to criticize the existing situation, the present study attempts to analyze his poems with a qualitative approach and analytical descriptive method from this view. It is concluded that Nazar has a critical insight that is in the bed of his poem, not to photography of reality, but painting, and with a critical mindset that provides reality to the audience in a way that is presented. At the same time, acknowledgment of his honesty will witness a particular form of reflection of reality and not reality in its literature.
Methodology: Based on the theory of critical realism of Lukács, this research aims to criticize and evaluate Nizar Qabbani's poems with a qualitative approach and descriptive-analytical method and to answer these questions: What is the field of Nizar Qabbani's critical view? Does it include? In the context of Nizar's poetry, how are the realities of the Arab society reflected and does the poet basically offer a solution to get out of the chaos and heterogeneity?
Results and Discussion: Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the works of Nizar Qabbani are among the works of contemporary Arabic poetry that can be adapted to the theory of critical realism and the reflection of reality by George Lukács; Because the main characteristic of his poetry is a critical approach; Therefore, it should be said to the research: Nizar Qabbani is a "poet critic" or "poet critic". At the same time, his critical language is straightforward and biting to a great extent, in drawing the existing heterogeneities and disharmonies, he uses a lot of ridicule, paradox, and negative questioning to convey his message to the audience more effectively. This basis of imagery and the way of expressing criticism in his poetry is not a repetitive and regressive mentality, but rather a new thought emerges from it.
Conclusion: The current research is the introduction of the issue that Nizar has shown remarkable honesty and courage in the process of reflecting the reality and drawing dissatisfaction with the existing situation; In order to inform the people, he does not shy away from attacking Arab culture and heritage and criticizing a group of which he is one. With high critical insight, he focuses on the challenges of the Arab world, and with his poetic and critical view, he paints and draws contradictions and contrasts, and through it, he tries to make people aware of the unfavorable situation. Sometimes, in the context of his poetry, by creating a revolutionary spirit, he offers a solution to overcome the challenges.
It should be said to the research: Nizar Qabbani's criticisms are more than anything directed at the four axes of the Arab society, politics, economy and religion; He sees the Arab society as a ruined city where its people suffer from superficiality, self-cultivation, silence, thoughtlessness, backwardness, etc. and are somehow happy in a closed and secure environment. In his poetry notebooks, the poet also challenged the policy of the Arab rulers and described them as lascivious and unintelligent, corrupt and autocratic, lustful and greedy, idle talkers, imprudent spectators, tyrannical warriors and ... he sees that they have made people suffer with their political tyranny.
In the opinion of the poet, the economy of Arab countries is also a place of problems and criticism; Oil, which had the ability to be used as a powerful tool against enemies, has turned into "oil wine" and has led to sexual corruption. The government economy based on oil has provided this opportunity for the rulers to try to legitimize their government with the help of oil dollars and eventually reach a government dictatorship. Also, in the eyes of Nizar, religious scholars are deceivers and tricksters who, with various tricks, consider themselves to be God's successors on earth and try to maintain their religious tyranny with false claims in order to keep people ignorant and short-sighted.


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