Comparison of the function of the story elements of the two novels Mutlaq Man Vaak Al-Hayya and Saq Al-Bamboo In the representation of the image of a woman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Imam Khomeini International University، Qazvin

2 Imam Khomeini International University، Qazvin



In drawing a woman's facewith the spread of feminist ideas in literature, male and female writers represented the issues related to women in their works and used literature to express the realities and shortcomings, draw the readers' attention, and present their solutions and views. In the opinion of feminist critics, the issue of women, being in the text or on the sidelines and the way they are looked at, became a serious issue and considering that the authors use the elements of the story in a special way in order to move the world of the work towards their intended purpose. By examining and analyzing the elements used by the author, the message and purpose of the work can be reached. Male and female writers, according to their gender, experiences and purpose of writing novels, have written stories with a different point of view regarding the position, personality and harms of women in society. The present study, with the view that male and female ideologies cause differences in their works, tries to investigate the difference between male and female views on women's issues; Therefore, two works with a social theme have been selected from the same geographical region so that regardless of the cultural, environmental, historical and political differences, due to sharing the aforementioned conditions, only the discussion of the impact of gender on storytelling and the way of using story elements can be investigated. ; Therefore, two Kuwaiti authors, Khola Al-Qazwini, were selected with the novel "Mutalaqa min Waqi'e al-Hayya" and Saud Al-Sanausi with the novel "Saq Al-Bamboo". Most of the researches in the discussion of women's issues have been written separately, among male or female authors; This research seeks to investigate the representation of the image of women in the literary works of male and female authors by considering the factor of gender in order to clarify the differences caused by the gender of the authors. The review view and other elements will be discussed in another research:


How are the elements of the story used in the two works?

The impact of the views and ideologies of the two authors on the elements of the story, what image of women does it represent in these two novels?

Results and Discussion

Based on the results of this research, the subject of the two novels is the investigation of a social problem that Al-Qazvini has narrated in the scope of "Family" and with a view far from extremes, he depicts the contribution of men and women in the stability of the family for them and at the same time. He considers the role of women to be the main one, but in the wider scope of "society", Sanousi has addressed the poverty and economic well-being of the society, and women are also affected by the conditions as a part of the society. Qazvini, perhaps due to her being a woman and her special view on the important issues of marriage and motherhood, has set her goal to express the importance of the family and couple's relationships and has tried to make her reader understand this important institution with a fair view, but Sanousi's view is beyond and Most of all, it is focused on economic issues and class conflict in the society and has a more police view of the issues, as a result of the author's point of view, in the novel "Mutlaqa Man Waqat Al-Hayya", men and women jointly contribute to creating knots and untying the story. But in "Saq Al-Bamboo", most of the knots are created by the women of the story, and finally, with the action of a man, the knots are untied and the story reaches peace and tranquility. Therefore, the women in the two works have a central presence in the story and influence the course of events. They are different from each other and the presence of women in the novel by the female author leads to a happy ending (the remarriage of Leila and Mustafa together) and in the novel by the male author to an unpleasant ending (Hosieh's despair and disillusionment with his father's family and his return to the Philippines). In order to express their desired concepts, both authors chose their same-sex narrator in the first person to narrate the events and difficulties of the main character's life, but Al-Qazvini also introduces an omniscient narrator in order to express more dimensions of the character's life and emotions. This type of perspective is one of the signs of women's writing and it also provides the context for the active participation of men.

Social changes related to the position of women, on the one hand, by reflecting in the content, have created new images of them in literary writings, and on the other hand, the impact of the authors' way of looking at the subject has been reflected in the structure and form of the works. Khola's image is a balanced image of a woman who, while playing the roles of wife and mother, can also be successful in society; in her work, women are at the center of events and are effective in changing their lives and others. But as a result of Sanausi, women are either passive and submissive to the society and the demands of others, or they have emotional and personality crises while having the power to change.


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