Critical Analysis Of The Composition "Funeral Of Hammurabi" Based On The Critical Discourse Analysis Approach Of James Paul Gee

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor. Department of Arabic Language and Literature, lorestan University

2 Assistant Professor. Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Farhangian University



Based on the theory of critical discourse analysis, discourse is studied as a part of the social process and language as a body with social function and as a social practice that signifies the external world of discourse. In critical discourse analysis, language is a tool for legitimizing and producing power or a tool for disrupting power relations and its maldistribution in society, and the ultimate goal of critical discourse analysis is to get to know the part that Van Dijk in his square called The title introduces the final destination of discourse analysis. James Paul Gee seems to have been most influenced by Lacla and Mouffe's theory and approach. Paul James's approach in critical discourse analysis is a body-based approach that examines identities, actions, discourse links, dominant conflicts, and symbolic systems. Based on this approach, the present study investigates and studies the ode "The Funeral of Hammurabi Al-Akhira". The purpose of writing this research is to find an answer to these questions: What are the mutual and highlighted identities in this poetic discourse? The existence of what codes constitute the symbolic system of this ode? In which category of action systems is the action system in this ode? What identities does the poet represent in this poem? Considering that the poet has a transnational perspective in this ode and draws the issue of modernity and the challenges of contemporary man not only in the Arab world but also in the whole world and also considering that no research has been done on this concerned poet so far, therefore the analysis of the discourse This poet's poetry is important based on the discourse analysis approach.


Fowler considers literature as a discourse and in his opinion, literature should be considered as a mediator between language users that has a communication function and the literary text is no longer an object and becomes an action or process that serves communication. Paul J introduces discourse as a meaningful body. In his approach, he analyzed the role of language in discourse and considers language to have a discourse function. In other words, the analysis of critical discourse according to Paul J means the analysis of language in its functional dimension. Paul Gee's approach in discourse analysis is a process based on the action-oriented analysis of discourse and the study of language in its functional dimensions. Gee 's approach can be seen as a developed approach from Theo van Leeuwen's critical approach, which examines linguistic functions, social actors and their representation in political discourse.

Results and discussion

In this poem, the poet uses explicit language to represent the fact that people in the world see their dreams and desires arranged on a shelf, and the effort to fulfill the desires and wishes of people has put them on the path of murder. On the way to achieve their desires and satisfy their desires, the criminals kick the innocents and sacrifice each other with slogans of bravery and sacrifice. The poet draws a tangible picture of the current world, in which the orientation of ideology and strife is a sign of trying to realize dreams and satisfy desires, and in this chaotic and chaotic world, trying to achieve personal dreams and desires has caused So that the current world is more and more drawn towards exploitation and killing, and there is a deadly competition between humans, where each human seeks to eliminate the other.


In this poem, the poet highlights the identity of the activists who, as politicians and power holders in the present era, each seeks to exclude and exclude the other in order to satisfy their desires and wishes. In order to draw the identity of these activists and make them stand out, the poet uses semantic codes and characters with specific meaning. The use of words that have a deep connection between them draws a world that suffers from a lack of value. In the action aspect of the poet's discourse, by depicting the priority of criminals over innocents, the killing of children's sweet dreams, and the killing of Hammurabi, the poet depicts a contradictory world in which reason, wisdom, and rationality are victims of human desires and wishes. The code of fire in this poem is one of the cognitive codes that the poet interprets as the sacrifice of humanity in the current world by depicting the killing of Prometheus by contemporary victims of human desires and wishes. The code of fire in this poem is one of the cognitive codes that the poet interprets as the sacrifice of humanity in the current world by depicting the killing of Prometheus by contemporary Nimrod.
