The Mythical Criticism of the “Devil” Anecdote by Gibran Khalil Gibran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Birjanduniversity

2 Phd Student of Persian Language and Literature, Birjanduniversity


Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) is among the greatest Arab writers and poets who have tried to explore ways to save humanity. Focusing on the inner soul and the necessity of being in touch with it can be seen in many of his works. Although the anecdote of "The Devil" isa linear narrative and does not have the complexity of modern story telling, its symbolic expression makes it appealing to the reader. Using Jung’s mythical criticism, the authors of the study have tried to reveal the symbols and archetypes of the devil anecdote. In this way, they have shown that Alkhoori Sama’ as an archetype heropays a symbolic "trip" at "night" as the unconscious symbol so as to achieve "individuality" or "integrity". He also invites to search "herald" and face "shadow". Also, being guided by the"old man", he can recognize “shadow". Having gone through the above stages, the hero achieves "individuality" followed by "regeneracy". From the viewpoint of mythological criticism, this anecdote enjoys a mythic structure. The symbols and archetypes play an important role in the development of the anecdote. Its mythical form causes this anecdote to be appealing as the reader has repeatedly encountered similar experiences in his subconscious state leading him to have the same feeling with the anecdotehero


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