Nostalgic Process in “Adnan Alsaygh”s Poetry a Case study of "Maraya Le shareha al-Taweel" and "Sama fi Khozeh"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Arabic language and literature Department, Persian Gulf University

2 MA Graduate of Arabic language and literature, Persian Gulf University


Nostalgia is a deep longing and homesickness along with a bittersweet feeling towards objects, people and the past events. Traditionally, enthusiasm and a desire to return home to visit relatives have been the common theme in the past poets and writers’ works. Adnan Alsaygh is among the poets who were forced to leave home due to the chaotic situation in Iraq and the persecution of the government. The most important manifestation of homesickness in his poems is reflected in his desire and longing for his native country embracing all his relatives and friends. Using a descriptive-analytic approach, the present study intends to analyze the different forms of patriotism in his poetry along with the manifestations of homesickness, the remembrance of the past, the role of colonizer in the poet’s exile, and utopia of exile poets in "Maraya Le shareha al-Taweel" and "Sama fi Khozeh". The findings reveal that the poet has such a strong enthusiasm for his homeland that he constantly weeps and enthusiastically writes about his homeland problems and his bittersweet past leading to his peacefulness.


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