Analyzing Jabra Ibrahim Jabra Fictions from an Archetypal Point of View

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Arabic Language and Literature Department, Tehran University

2 Ph.D. student, Kharazmi University


Archetypal criticism, which is based on psychological criticism, is one of the main contemporary approaches of the literary criticism that explores the nature and characteristics of the myths and the way they function in literature. The current study aimed at investigating Jabra Ibrahim Jabra’s novels based on archetypal criticism perspective and the emergence of the collective unconscious dimension and mythology in the author’s works. It was hypothesized that the author has focused on the archetypes or the collective unconscious level of the mind. The main research question was whether the author’s novels can be reexamined based on hero archetype criticism and his return, death and rebirth. The selected novels by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra were analyzed using analytic-documentary methods on the basis of archetypal criticism. They were further analyzed via the return of hero archetypes, death and rebirth as well as the manifestation of archetype symbols of trees, mountains, valleys, caves, springs, wells and numbers. The analysis of the results reveal that hero archetypes, death and rebirth have been represented in Jabra’s novels and the author has employed symbols and mythologies  to render them more meaningful.


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