Parallel and Inverse Usage of Seven Trips of Sinbad Legend in the Poems of Badr Shakir Al Sayyab

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd University

2 M. A. holder of Arabic Language and Literature, Yazd University


During the 20th century, the inroad of colonizers and their agents in most countries, especially Arabian countries from economic, cultural and economic perspectives led their scientists, thinkers, and poets to make their utmost effort to counter the colonizers and enlighten the people. Making use of ancient legends is among the ways most poets including Badr Shakir Al sayyab have chosen to reach their political objectives. In addition to a parallel application and in line with the legend stream, this Iraqi poet has made novel attempts to avoid the norms and have an inverse use of legend. In this study, Sayyab’s aversion of the norms, reasons and motivations of his parallel and inverse use of seven trips of Sinbad myth have been investigated using a descriptive-analytic approach in line with some of his poems. Our findings indicate that Sinbad is the symbol of the poet, as Sayyab travels to different countries in pursuit of possible cure so as to get rid of his disease. In contrast to the amazing and successful travels of Sinbad, there are no signs of any personal, social and political recovery of Sayyab’s disease which could be considered as an achievement. All of his efforts to find remedy turns out to be utterly fruitless. In fact, any trip incongruent with the stream of Thousand and One Nights story can provide grounds for a bitter failure.


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