Reflection of Dialogues in the Narrative Short Stories by Tayyeb Saleh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan

2 PhD Candidate, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu- Ali Sina University, Hamedan


Narrative dialogues refer to all the conversations in a narrative text cited by the narrator. These dialogues are altered by the narrator in different ways. Representing the narrative conversations can be revealing in reviewing a story especially in narrative discourse analysis through which one can gain more awareness of narrative methods, writers’ style and the relationship between the narrator and character. Using content analysis, the present study scrutinizes the narrative dialogues in two stories, namely NakhlaAlaljadval and DomaVod Hamed by Tayyeb Saleh, a contemporary Sudanese novelist. The purpose of the paper is to study the stylistic aspects of dialogues in the two stories and the way they are reflected due to brevity and conciseness of such a narration. The results indicate the high frequency of direct and indirect speech in both stories which can be attributed to the realism element and omniscient narrator. The conciseness of the short stories has led to the avoidance of direct free method. It has also made the majority of the dialogues among the characters brief. Such a conciseness, however, has neither affected the coherence nor caused long and boring suspensions in the two stories in the two stories.


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