بررسی و نقد آراء کمال ابو دیب در حوزه نقد فمنیستی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشیار، دانشگاه تهران


فمنیسم، جنبشی سازمان یافته جهت دفاع از حقوق زنان است که ریشه های آن به دوران روشنگری اروپا می رسد. این جنبش در سرتاسر تاریخ پرفرازونشیب خود، خواهان برانداری نظام مردسالار و از بین بردن سیطره تبعیض جنسی بوده است. دفاع از آرمان‌های عدالت‌طلبانه زنان و مطالبه حقوق از دست رفته این قشرجامعه، محدود به سرزمین خاصی نشد و دراین بین کشورهای عربی؛ مصر، لبنان و سوریه در جنبش دفاع از حقوق زنان پیشگام شدند. کمال ابودیب یکی از پیشگامان نقد فرهنگی در گفتمان انتقادی عربی می‌باشد که در طی چند دهه اخیر، بسیاری از آثار خویش را به موضوع فرهنگ و زن اختصاص داده است. از زمان انتشار کتاب «الحریة»، موضوع فرهنگ و به‌ویژه مسائل مربوط به زن، به محور اصلی گفتمان نقدی ابودیب تبدیل شده است. آثار ابودیب دربرگیرنده چالش های فرهنگی جامعه عربی در برخورد و تعامل متفاوت با جنس زن می‌باشد که مراحل مختلف زندگی زن از تولد تا دانشگاه و زندگی مشترک را شامل می‌شود. وی مانند فیلسوفانی چون فوکو و دریدا معتقد است که علت جایگاه متفاوت زنان در جوامع مردسالار را باید در روند زندگی زنان عرب جست که از لحظه تولد شروع و تا بزرگ سالی ادامه دارد. در واقع علت این تبعیض جنسیتی، رفتارهایی است که از همان بدو تولد بین این دو جنس بشری تفاوت هایی ایجاد می‌کند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Study of of Cultural criticism of Kamal Abu Deeb

نویسندگان [English]

  • rasool bazyar 1
  • Shahriar Niazi 2
1 univercity of tehran
2 Associate Professor of Arabic Language &Instete-University of Tehran
چکیده [English]

Introduction: Feminism is an organized movement to defend women's rights, whose roots go back to the European Enlightenment. Throughout its tumultuous history, this movement has wanted to uproot the patriarchal system and eliminate the rule of gender discrimination. The defense of women's justice-seeking ideals and the demand for the lost rights of this segment of the society was not limited to a specific land, and among Arab countries; Egypt, Lebanon and Syria pioneered the movement to defend women's rights. Kamal Abudeeb is one of the pioneers of cultural criticism in Arabic critical discourse, who has dedicated many of his works to the topic of culture and women in the last few decades. Since the publication of the book "Al-Hurriya", the issue of culture and especially women's issues has become the main focus of Abu Dhabi's critical discourse.

Methodology: With a descriptive-analytical method, this research analyzes the manifestations of the Cultural criticism of Kamal Abu Deeb. The research is trying to use Weber's descriptive-analytical method based on the method of document analysis and content analysis, which often relies on the text along with all the textual features and analysis, critical works of critics, including; To examine and analyze "Anjar fi Jami al-Itjahat Baghadh", "Al-Kataba and Eshakali Al-Salah" and "Al-Huriyah" from the perspective of feminist criticism and ideas related to women.

Findings: In most of his researches, especially: the analysis of Al-Stallah, al-Huriyya and other scientific research articles in prestigious European journals, Abu Deeb aims to provide a deep and profound reading of women and their relationships within male culture. The distinction of Abu Deeb's intellectual project is in his treatment of women as a model and a cultural sign. The critic's boldness in expressing his theories is one of his distinct differences with other Arab critics, to the extent that he considers himself the first critic who entered cultural criticism methodically. His classification of the level of culture, into official and unofficial, shows that the writers and writers of the Arab world at the level of official culture means; Compliance with the borders and lines drawn by the governments are taking steps. In such an environment, real writers and heroes will never emerge because the heroes of this world are the result of imagination produced by the repressive culture. Abu Dhabi's feminist critique approach influenced by deconstruction, post-structuralism; The theories of Kristeva, Linda Naklin, Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis and authentic Arabic culture.

Result and Discussion: He intends to help the Arab world by looking at the categories of deconstruction, post-structuralism and special post-modern concepts, and relying on his achievements and extensive studies in the fields of philosophy, psychology, literature, etc., while introducing the challenges of the past. ‌Propose a solution for women in Arab societies. Abu Deeb, like philosophers like Foucault and Derrida, believes that the root of women's challenges in dependent Arab societies and the different treatment and interaction with them should be sought in the stages of a woman's life, from birth to university and cohabitation. He considers the lack of initiative and innovation in Arabic literature, especially in the field of story writing, to be due to the structure of domination and power, and he believes that not only a female artist, but no artist will grow in this incomplete structure. In fact, he offers a more comprehensive opinion than Linda Introduction: Feminism is an organized movement to defend women's rights, whose roots go back to the European Enlightenment. Throughout its tumultuous history, this movement has wanted to uproot the patriarchal system and eliminate the rule of gender discrimination. The defense of women's justice-seeking ideals and the demand for the lost rights of this segment of the society was not limited to a specific land, and among Arab countries; Egypt, Lebanon and Syria pioneered the movement to defend women's rights. Kamal Abudeeb is one of the pioneers of cultural criticism in Arabic critical discourse, who has dedicated many of his works to the topic of culture and women in the last few decades. Since the publication of the book "Al-Hurriya", the issue of culture and especially women's issues has become the main focus of Abu Dhabi's critical discourse.

Methodology: With a descriptive-analytical method, this research analyzes the manifestations of the Cultural criticism of Kamal Abu Deeb. The research is trying to use Weber's descriptive-analytical method based on the method of document analysis and content analysis, which often relies on the text along with all the textual features and analysis, critical works of critics, including; To examine and analyze "Anjar fi Jami al-Itjahat Baghadh", "Al-Kataba and Eshakali Al-Salah" and "Al-Huriyah" from the perspective of feminist criticism and ideas related to women.

Findings: In most of his researches, especially: the analysis of Al-Stallah, al-Huriyya and other scientific research articles in prestigious European journals, Abu Deeb aims to provide a deep and profound reading of women and their relationships within male culture. The distinction of Abu Deeb's intellectual project is in his treatment of women as a model and a cultural sign. The critic's boldness in expressing his theories is one of his distinct differences with other Arab critics, to the extent that he considers himself the first critic who entered cultural criticism methodically. His classification of the level of culture, into official and unofficial, shows that the writers and writers of the Arab world at the level of official culture means; Compliance with the borders and lines drawn by the governments are taking steps. In such an environment, real writers and heroes will never emerge because the heroes of this world are the result of imagination produced by the repressive culture. Abu Dhabi's feminist critique approach influenced by deconstruction, post-structuralism; The theories of Kristeva, Linda Naklin, Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan's psychoanalysis and authentic Arabic culture.

Result and Discussion: He intends to help the Arab world by looking at the categories of deconstruction, post-structuralism and special post-modern concepts, and relying on his achievements and extensive studies in the fields of philosophy, psychology, literature, etc., while i


کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • cultural criticism
  • feminist criticism
  • views in all directions with anger"
  • "
  • literacy and the problem of
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