بازخوانی جداریه محمود درویش از چشم انداز رئالیسم جادویی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه گیلان

2 عضو هیات علمی زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه گیلان



رئالیسم جادویی به دلیل فقدان مانیفست، در تفهیم معنا و ساختار خود دچار چالش گفتمانی با دیگر جریانها گشته است. علی‌رغم خاستگاه آن در هنر بصری و نقاشی، با شهرتِ صدسال تنهایی مارکز، عمدتاً در سنت رمان به کار گرفته شد. پژوهشهای اندکی به مطالعه آن در منظومه‌های روایی از جمله شعر معاصر پرداخته اند. «جداریه» محمود درویش، حاصل زندگی شخصی و فعالیت‌های ادبی او بعد از جراحی قلب و گونه‌ای وصیت‌نامه تاریخی برای فلسطین است. هدف پژوهش توصیف مؤلفه‌های رئالیسم جادویی در جداریه و تبیین کارکرد مؤلفه‌های ساختاری و معنایی آن است؛ از این رهگذر قابلیت تحلیل منظومه‌های روایی از چشم‌انداز رئالیسم جادویی نیز توجیه می‌شود. روش پژوهش، توصیفی-تحلیلی و تحلیل محتوای داده‌های کیفی طی مطالعه منابع کتابخانه‌ای با رویکرد درون‌متنی است. نتایج نشان می‌دهد درویش کوشیده است با تکنیکهایی چون استحاله راوی، سفر در فرا‌زمان و فرا‌مکان، ایجاد ابهام و تردید به واسطه تضادها، بسترسازی واقعیت آمیخته به خیال و جادو، فراخوانی اساطیر، نمادها، شخصیتهای دینی و ادبی، زاویه دید تخطی کننده و آشنایی زدایی برای برساختن واقعیتِ تاریخ و فرهنگ فلسطین به کارکردهای معنایی در بستر پارادوکسیکالِ نوستالژی و آرمان‌گرایی رهنمون شود.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Reading of Mahmoud Darwish's Jidariyya from the Perspective of Magical Realism

نویسندگان [English]

  • Sarah Zabihi 1
  • Ali Safayi Sangari 2
1 Guilan University
2 Guilan University
چکیده [English]

Introduction: Magical Realism has become a place of conflict and discourse challenge between other currents, styles, techniques and genres in understanding its meaning, basis and structure according to the lack of a manifesto. despite its origins in the visual arts and painting, by fame of Marquez's Cien años de soledad, has been largely used in the novel tradition.in spite of the developments resulting from modernism and postmodernism in literature, few researches have studied and examined this trend in narrative systems such as contemporary poetry. Mahmoud Darwish's "Jidariyya" is the result of his personal life and literary activities after heart surgery, and the poet has seized the opportunity to write a kind of historical testament for Palestine and the people of his land. the purpose of this study is to describe the components of magical realism in Jidariyya and explain the function of the structural and semantic components of magical realism, which also justifies the ability to analyze narrative systems from the perspective of magical realism. the research method is descriptive-analytical and content analysis of qualitative data and study of library resources and documents with an in-text approach. The current research tries to analyze an example of the perspective of magical realism among contemporary Arab poems. The purpose of this article is to describe, explain and analyze Jadarieh as a poetic work of contemporary Arab poetry, by Mahmoud Darwish as an outstanding poet in the field of Palestinian stability and resistance literature, based on the components of the magical realism movement.
Methodology: The current research aims to achieve the objectives of the study with an in-text approach and a descriptive-analytical method by studying library resources and analyzing the content of qualitative data.
Results and Discussion: Mahmoud Darwish, as a poet of the Palestinian resistance and a member of the exiled literature, has had the experience of traditional and contemporary literary trends both in verse and prose. Being aware of the new poetry and prose trends of the world, living in the Arab and Western lands, and being influenced by the artists of the world, has led to the broadening of the poet's horizons. Al- Jidariyya (1999), one of his long poems, which some have called the poet's testament, is considered in this research. Jidariyya is a long poem indicating the journey and transformation of the poet in different times, places and situations. First, he pictures himself on a bed in a sick bed, and after the nurse injects him, he goes about flying to different worlds, meeting different people, and talking about illness, death and life. By composing the narrative poem Jidariyya, Darwish included both his experience of life and death in it, as well as the social-historical reality of Palestine and collective and national nostalgia, and by reconstructing reality from his perspective, once again literature, history and identity He has presented Palestine and Palestine to the world with his innovation. Through the study of library sources and descriptive-analytical method of qualitative content analysis and intratextual approach, this research has pursued the goals of describing and explaining the capacity of using magical realism in narrative poetry and as an example by studying Jidariyya of The perspective of magical realism, to evaluate the analysis of this flow in the poem. In the way of realizing the aforementioned goals, the obtained results show that with the fusion of contradiction and ambiguity, mystery, fantasy and reality, the transformation of the narrator, the appearance of myths and symbols, the change and failure of identity, place and time, a detailing of the nostalgic look about Palestine, nested and back-and-forth paintings and internal paintings and other structural foundations and semantic functions, the history of the land of Palestine and its history as a raw material, was in Darwish's preparation and he created it with a nostalgic look and feeling towards the past and the possibilities of magical realism. It has become a mythical and universal utopia.
Conclusion:The results show that Darwish has used the abstract of his techniques, thoughts, awareness and ideals such as: Narrator transformation, Travel through space and time, Creating ambiguity, confusion and doubt due to contradictions, The reality mixed with fantasy and magic, Invoking myths, symbols, religious and literary figures, Defamiliarizing to construct the reality of Palestinian history and culture, it leads to semantic functions in the dual context of nostalgia and idealism.With Darwish's emphasis on the issue that everything he says is the truth and the result of his experience, a kind of intuition and mystical and dreamlike behavior can be perceived about him, which these components are in line with magical realism and combine the history of Palestine and Darwish in The third space has been recreated.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Magical Realism
  • Reality and Fantasy
  • Stability Literature
  • Mahmoud Darwish's Jidariyya