کاربست نظریه‌ی انسجام متنی در قصیده‌ی «خواطر الغروب» ابراهیم ناجی

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز، اهواز، ایران)



انسجام متنی، یکی از مباحث مهم نظریۀ زبان‌شناسی نقشگراست. این نظریه به بررسی و تحلیل عواملی می-پردازد که اجزای تشکیل‌دهنده‌ی متن را در دو سطح دستوری و واژگانی به‌هم مرتبط می‌سازد و در نهایت به انسجام و پیوستگی آن منجر می‌شود. با توجه به اهمیت این نظریه در بررسی متون شعری، نگارنده قصد دارد با استفاده از روش توصیفی و تحلیلی و بر مبنای نظریه‌ی نقشگرایی، به تطبیق آن روی قصیدۀ «خواطر الغروب» بپردازد و از این طریق میزان انسجام متن را در دو حوزه دستوری و واژگانی مورد ارزیابی و تحلیل قرار دهد. نتایج به دست آمده حاکی از آن است که پیوستگی متن قصیده در حوزۀ دستوری به طور کامل، ناشی از عنصر ارجاع ضمیری است و دو عنصر اشاری و موصولی در این زمینه، نقشی ندارند و با توجه به اینکه، قصیده بر محور شاعر و دریا در چرخش است، بیشتر ارجاعات در قصیده به همین دو عنصر برمی‌گردند. پدیده حذف نیز بخشی از بار انسجام‌بخشی قصیده را بر دوش کشیده است. در حوزه انسجام واژگانی، عنصر تکرار به ویژه تکرارهای کلی و جزئی و شبه ترادف، و عنصر باهم‌آیی به ویژه تضاد و ارتباط با یک موضوع معین، در انسجام و استمرار متن نقش مهمی ایفا کرده‌اند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The application of the theory of textual coherence in the poem "Khwater al-Ghrub" by Ebrahim Naji

نویسنده [English]

  • abdolvahid navidi
Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
چکیده [English]

Introduction: Language, as one of the most important means of communicating and transmitting thoughts and feelings, has always been the focus of scientists and linguists. As a result of this effort, a science called linguistics emerged, whose most important task is the scientific investigation and study of language. Linguistics helps us to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between language and culture and the identity of people. The close connection of language with the individual and social needs of human beings and the importance of examining its various geniuses has led to the formation and emergence of various branches in the field of linguistics, one of which is text linguistics. This new branch, which is one of the relatively new fields of linguistics and has attracted the attention of many researchers in recent decades, examines the coherence and coherence of the text and tries to evaluate the contribution of each of Identify the text's cohesive elements separately and examine, analyze and evaluate the elements in the text by presenting a coherent and regular pattern and an objective and accurate description. Therefore, textual coherence examines and analyzes the constituent elements of the text at two grammatical and lexical levels.
Methodology: Using the descriptive and analytical method, the following example applies the theory of textual coherence to one of Ibrahim Naji's odes called "Khwater al-Ghrub" and in this way evaluates the degree of coherence of the text in two grammatical and lexical areas. analyze
Results and Discussion: Considering the importance of the theory of textual coherence in the review and analysis of texts on the one hand, and the value of examining the poems of contemporary poets on the other hand, the author wants to find out how the textual coherence, both grammatical and lexical, in the poem "Khwatar al-Ghrub" by Ibrahim Examine and evaluate Naji and come up with appropriate answers to the following questions.
1- What are the most important factors of textual coherence, both grammatical and lexical, in the poem in question?
2- How can the high frequency of an element be effective in the coherence of the text of the poem?
In order to answer the above questions, the author has examined grammatical coherence in three fields of reference and its different types (pronominal reference, demonstrative reference and relational reference).
In the field of lexical coherence, he has also investigated the phenomenon of repetition and its different types, and the combination of verses and its types in the ode and finally reached the following results:
Conclusion: By examining and analyzing the elements of textual coherence in the text of the ode, it was found that the element of pronoun reference played the most impact in the coherence of the text of the poem and the poet used them as a vehicle to show his creativity and highlight his language. Among the references used in the poem, the two references "the poet and the sea" have a significant frequency, which is manifested in the three pronouns "ana - ant - nahn". The high frequency of these three pronouns in the poet's poetic speech is noteworthy. The referent of the pronoun Ena, the poet, and the pronoun you, is the sea. In the pronoun Nahn, the poet is present in all cases and the sea is present in three cases, and due to the dispersion of these three pronouns in the poem, the poetic discourse has a high level of cohesion and continuity. Among the referential elements, the two elements of referential and relational reference are the most important in making the poem coherent. The factor of omission in the poetic discourse of the poet has a high frequency. This factor has been used in two types, nominal and present, and no exclusion has been used. In most cases, this factor is associated with the conjunctions and by avoiding boring repetitions, it has caused the continuity and continuity of the text. The effect of substitution element in the coherence of the poetic text is zero. In the field of lexical cohesion, words are used in the ode that are related to each other in terms of form, meaning, and subject and evoke each other. This has been realized in direct repetition (5 cases), partial repetition (8 cases), quasi-synonyms (8 cases) and connection with a certain topic, and has finally led to the coherence and consistency of the poem. In some cases, by using the element of contrast (9 cases) and using it in different places of the poem, the poet has put a part of the burden of the text on it.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • textual coherence
  • grammatical and lexical coherence
  • Ebrahim Naji
  • Khwater al-Ghrub