کارکرد تکنیک‌های روایی در رمان "خبزٌ علی طاولة الخال میلاد" محمد النعّاس

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 زبان و ادبیات عربی. دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی. دانشگاه خوارزمی. تهران

2 گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه خوارزمی تهران، کرج


امروزه نویسندگان رمان برای افزایش جذابیت اثر ادبی و جلب نظر ویژه مخاطب به آن از شیوه‌های مختلفی استفاده می‌کنند. در همین راستا به کار گیری شگرد‌های مختلف در روایت داستان، می‌تواند بخش بزرگی از این وظیفۀ مهم را انجام دهد. شگرد‌های روایی علاوه بر کمک به پیش‌برد داستان، سبب می‌شوند تا روایت نیز تاثیر‌گذاری بیشتری داشته باشد و مخاطب را برای پیگیری داستان به خود مشغول کند. رمان خبزٌ علی طاولة الخال میلاد، نوشتۀ محمد النعّاس، برندۀ جائزۀ بوکر عربی 2022م، داستانی است که با استفاده از شگرد‌های متنوع روایی (زمانی و سینمایی) موفق شده است در جذابیت و انسجام روایت به جایگاه والا و چشمگیری دست یابد. پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از روش توصیفی-تحلیلی به بررسی کارکرد شگرد-های روایی در رمان مذکور پرداخته تا با شناخت نحوۀ به کار گیری آن‌ها در این رمان، نقش هر یک را در روایت داستان تبیین نماید. نتایج نشان می‌دهند که شگرد هایی از قبیل پس‌نگاه، خطاب مستقیم روایت‌گیر، خواب دیدن و ... غالبا در راستای ارائۀ اطلاعات بیشتر از ماجراها، کشیدن مخاطب به عمق داستان، ترغیب کردن و همراه نمودن او برای پیگیری ماجرا و جلب توجه و هشیاری او به کار رفته است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The function of narrative techniques in the novel "Bread on the Table of the uncle Milad" by Mohammad Al-Naas

نویسندگان [English]

  • soudabeh mozaffari 1
  • salman azmoon ali abad 2
1 Arabic Language and Literature. Kharazmi University. Tehran
2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Khwarazmi University, Tehran, Karaj
چکیده [English]


Authors of novels use different methods to increase the attractiveness of the literary work and attract the special attention of the audience to it. In this regard, In addition to the fact that a work must have a strong theme and content, the use of different techniques in the narration of the story can also fulfill a large part of this important task.The technique in the story means that the author uses some methods in the narration of the story, which can be seen in a structured way in the narration of the story, and also bear part of the narrating duty. In fact, the technique is the author's special ways of using story elements such as characters, time, place, etc. In addition to the fact that the techniques are responsible for advancing the story, they make the story appear more attractive and have a greater impact on the reader and prevent her from getting tired of following the story. Among Arabic novels, the novel " bread on the table of uncle Millad", written by Muhammad Al-Naas from Libya, the winner of the 2022 Arab Booker Prize, contains several techniques (mostly temporal and cinematic) that make it attractive and valuable. The purpose of dealing with story techniques in this novel is to know them and know how to use them in the narration of the story, so that in this way the role of each of them can be explained in the story and to know the artistic power and skill of the author in storytelling. Another goal of this work is to find out the deeper layers of the story that the author has placed behind the technique so that the audience can enjoy, understand and be more affected by the story by discovering them.


The present research has used the descriptive-analytical method and library studies to investigate the narrative techniques in the mentioned novel. First, the concept of technique is explained in the story, and then the main techniques of the story, how to use them and their function are mentioned.

Results and Discussion

The author has used many techniques in this novel; The technique of description, conversation, flashback, and direct conversation with the audience, which is the reader in this story, the technique of dreaming and the technique of simultaneous narration. The author has used these techniques in all the main adventures of the story. Description technique includes description of characters, places and objects. The dialogue technique has been used to show sensitive situations between the main character and other central characters to explain the main knot of the story. The flashback technique forms the story structure of this novel; That is, the author has often told the stories using flashbacks. so that he first states the end of an event and then explains it. The author has used the technique of talking directly to the audience (reader) at the beginning of the adventures or when changing the subject of the story. The application of dreaming technique is also such that the main character dreams in different adventures and expresses his thoughts and feelings in this way. The main adventures of the story are also narrated simultaneously and alternately.


Each of the techniques used in this story has a function that is sometimes in the same direction and sometimes with a special purpose; In the application of the description technique, the author provides details and information about the characters, objects and places so that the audience gets a deep understanding of the described and by having more information and touching the existing space, gets closer to the space of the story and reaches a better understanding of the story. On the other hand, the author has used the descriptions in such a way that the space appears alive and dynamic for the audience. By using the dialogue technique, the author brings the audience directly to the characters so that the audience feels closer to the story and is more affected. The technique of speaking directly to the audience (reader) plays a significant role in bringing the audience together with the story and attracting their attention and awareness. The author pretends to the audience as if he is sitting in front of the narrator and listens directly to his story. Such an idea helps to deeply enter the audience in the story and attract him. The flashback technique is also used to encourage the audience to know the quality of the story. But dreaming has often been used to inform the audience about the first character's subconscious and his hopes and fears about becoming a man. Another function of this technique is to lay the foundation for the story that is narrated in the story after dreaming. The technique of simultaneous narration is also a method that, by advancing the stories at the same time, has led to the coherence of the narrative in a single format and has led to the diversity of the story to maintain vitality and eliminate the monotony of the narrative.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Narrative techniques
  • Mohammad Al-Naas
  • bread on the table of uncle Millad
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