بازتاب اندیشه‌های زیست ‌محیطی در شعر حیدر محمود

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکترای زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه خلیج فارس یوشهر

2 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی دانشگاه خلیج فارس، بوشهر


با تلاقی ادبیات و محیط ‌زیست در اواخر قرن بیستم میلادی، نحوه بازتاب محیط‌ زیست در آثار ادبی در قالب زیست‌بوم پدیدار گشت، تا آنجا که بارزترین مسئله حوزه‌های اجتماع، سیاست و ادبیات، مسئله محیط زیست شد. ادیبان معاصر نیز اقبال دگرگونه‌ای به بازتاب این مسأله داشته و هر کدام از دیدگاه و نگاه نافذ خویش به این قضیّه نگریسته و به بیان دغدغه‌های خود در این راستا همّت گماشته‌اند. نگاه خاص حیدر محمود شاعر معاصر اردنی به محیط زیست، شعر او را آئینه تمام‌نمای طبیعت و محیط ‌زیست قرار داده‌ است. حیدر ‌محمود در اندیشه و تخیّل، محتوا و سبک از طبیعت و عناصر آن الهام فراوان گرفته است. کنکاش پیش رو با توجه به اهمیت ویژه محیط زیست در عصر معاصر، با رویکردی توصیفی‌تحلیلی به بازخوانی و واکاوی مجموعه شعری حیدر محمود «الأعمال‌الشعریة» می‌پردازد تا بازتاب طبیعت و عناصر آن را در اشعار شاعر رصد نماید. نتایج حاصل از این پژوهش، حاکی از آن است که تجربه زیستی و فرهنگی حیدر محمود تأثیر عمده‌ای بر شکل‌گیری گفتمان شعری او و تعامل فضای عاطفی و شناختی شعرش دارد. حیدر محمود هماهنگ با دگرگونی‌ها و دغدغه‌های بشری معاصر اهتمام گسترده‌ای به طبیعت داشته و طبیعت با عناصر اصلی خود و در ارتباطی پایاپای با تخیّلات و اندیشه‌های شعری وی شکل گرفته است. افزون بر این، شاعر با برقرار ساختن رابطه استوار و اساسی میان طبیعت و انسان، نگرش ادبی خاص را به صورت برخی از آشنایی‌زدایی‌ها در پیوند با طبیعت نمایان ساخته است


عنوان مقاله [English]

Environmental Critique of the Poetry Divan "Al-A'mal Al-Shari'a" by Haidar Mahmoud

نویسندگان [English]

  • mahin zohairy 1
  • ali khezri 2
1 PhD student in Arabic language and literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr
2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr
چکیده [English]

With the intersection of literature and the environment in the late twentieth century, the way the environment is reflected in literary works in the form of the ecosystem, to the extent that the most prominent issue in the fields of society, politics and literature, became the issue of the environment.Contemporary writers have also had a different chance of reflecting on this issue, and each of them has looked at this issue from their own point of view and has tried to express their concerns in this regard. The special view of the contemporary Jordanian poet Haidar Mahmoud on the environment has made his poetry a mirror of the whole view of nature and the environment Haidar Mahmoud has been inspired by nature and its elements in thought and imagination, content and style. The forthcoming research, considering the special importance of the environment in the contemporary era, with a descriptive-analytical approach, reads and analyzes the poetry collection of Haidar Mahmoud "Al-A'mal Al-Sha'riya" in order to observe the reflection of nature and its elements in the poet's poems. The approach of this research indicates that Haidar Mahmoud's biological and cultural experience has a major impact on the formation of his poetic discourse and the interaction of the emotional and cognitive atmosphere of his poetry. Haidar Mahmoud, in harmony with the changes and concerns of contemporary humanity, has a wide interest in nature and nature has been formed with its main elements and in a continuous relationship with his poetic imaginations and thoughts. In addition, by establishing a stable and fundamental relationship between nature and man, the poet has shown a special literary attitude in the form of some de-familiarization in connection with nature.

Haidar Mahmoud has resorted to various methods to draw the audience's attention to the environment and the need to protect it. By asking frequent questions in his poems, he has been able to attract the reader's attention to the text, so much so that the audience for Reaching the answers to those questions follows the text of the poem to the end. The poet has also resorted to referential letters in order to greatly increase the audience's curiosity to follow the text in the audience to a great extent. Another way that Haidar Mahmoud has tried to make the audience try is to use Neda's style in such a way that by addressing some people, the necessity of paying attention to the ecosystem has been reminded.

Haidar Mahmoud has also used an array of exaggerations in order to create more sensitivity in his audience. He considers all the previous years as autumn so that in this way he can make the need to pay attention to the ecosystem one of the concerns of the audience. The use of dark and opaque colors and their high frequency in comparison with green, which is the color of blossoming and tan, is one of the poet's tricks in motivating the audience to the need to pay attention to the environment. Haidar Mahmoud has been able to create new concerns about the environment in the audience by taking a psychic view of nature and ecological elements. The use of adverbs such as "whole day" and past participles indicates the constant and continuous invasion of some human beings into the body of nature, which the poet has been able to reflect in a clear way. Haidar Mahmoud has also been able to introduce the earth to the audience as a kind of living thing by using the array of people, to the extent that he has emphasized this in order to achieve such a purpose by using similar letters. Haidar Mahmoud's imagination, thought and poetic style have been greatly influenced by various elements of nature, so much so that his human attitude towards nature is due to the abundance of nature. The elements of nature in Haidar Mahmoud's poetry are found on two types of vital elements (water, soil, sun, sea, atmosphere, river, mud, etc.) and insignificant elements (volcano, desert, rock, etc.) that indicate their pervasiveness. His view is of nature. . In fact, nature is an integral part of Haidar Mahmoud's poetry and this has increased the frequency of nature elements in the poet's poetry to a considerable extent. The use of these elements, which is in line with the poet's specific concern and thought, which is the defense of the environment and the need to encourage the audience to preserve nature and the environment, sometimes gives the text a poetic and romantic aspect to the extent that this imagination has overcome the poetic poetic schemas. ; Hence, access to the poet's central thought is possible only by delving into the text of the poem. A nostalgic look at nature, especially in poems that express the poet's longing for home and exile, can be seen in abundance.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • "؛ Contemporary Arabic Poetry
  • Nature
  • Haidar Mahmoud
  • Life Experience
  • Attitude and Imagination"
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