کارکرد نظریۀ بافت و میدان های معنایی در بازنمود مفاهیم «فی السوق القدیم»

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 عضو هیأت علمی دانشگاه گیلان

2 دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد زبان و ادبیات عربی از دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی (ره)


مبحث میدان‌های معنایی و بافت از زیر‌مجموعه‌های علم معناشناسی است. میدان‌های معنایی به مجموعه واژگان همگرا در فراگرد متن گفته می‌شود که ذیل واژه‌ای فراگیر گرد می‌آیند و از این طریق، شبکه‌ای از معنا را پدید می‌آورند؛ نظریۀ بافت نیز ناظر به دگردیسی و انعطاف معنایی واژگان و چگونگی کاربرد آنها در موقعیت‌های مختلف و زاییده‌شدن معنا به واسطۀ انواع ترکیب‌ها و کاربردهاست. این دو نظریه می‌توانند رهیافتی مناسب برای واکاوی مقاصد ادیبان قلمداد شوند. لذا با عنایت به آن، پژوهش حاضر به شیوۀ توصیفی- تحلیلی به دنبال خوانش جهان‌بینی بدر شاکر سیّاب و کشف مفاهیم نهفته در شعر «فی السوق القدیم» بوده‌است. یافته‌های پژوهش بیانگر آن است که نظریه میدان‌های معنایی، واژگان این شعر را به طور هدفمند در هندسه‌های معنایی گوناگون دسته‌بندی کرده و این دسته‌ها نگاه نوستالژیک شاعر را به صورت مماس با یکدیگر بیان کرده‌اند؛ نظریه بافت نیز با عنایت به دگردیسی و تعمیم معنایی واژگان با توجه به فضای عاطفی این شعر و حالات درونی شاعر، علاوه بر اثبات و تأیید مفاهیم نوستالژیکِ استنباط‌شده از طریق میدان‌های معنایی، نمادهای دیگری از جهان‌بینی و اندیشۀ شاعر را در بافت‌های زبانی و عاطفی روشن نموده است؛ ضمن آن که از ترکیب واحدهای واژگانی هر یک از مفاهیم مستخرج از شعر نظیر احساس غربت، اندوه، نفرت از تزاحم، سرگشتی و عشق به میهن، این هستۀ معنایی و مفهوم شاعرانه حاصل گردید که "غربت به غم می‌اندازد و سرگشته و گوشه‌گیر می‌کند و تنها راه نجات و حیات، عشق است".


عنوان مقاله [English]

The function of context theory and semantic fields in representing the concepts of "fi al-suq al-qadim"

نویسندگان [English]

  • omid jahanbakht layli 1
  • ghahreman fereshtehpour 2
1 university of guilan
2 Graduate of Arabic Language and Literature from Imam Khomeini International University
چکیده [English]

The function of context theory and semantic fields in representing the concepts of "fi al-suq al-qadim"

Introduction: The knowledge of semantics deals with meaning and its study, and in general, the purpose of this science is to discover the relationship between word and meaning. Among these, context theories and semantic fields are the main and applied theories in this science; Texture theory changes the meaning of words in different situations and the birth of meaning in a variety of applications. This theory is divided into four types: linguistic, emotional, situational and cultural. The theory of semantic fields also deals with a set of words that are semantically related to each other and are in the category of a general and comprehensive title; Like the word "color" which includes all maps such as: red, blue, white, etc. By analyzing the application of these two theories, it is possible to analyze literary works and gain a deep understanding of the intentions and concepts considered by the authors. The present study intends to analyze the poem "Fi Al-Suq Al-Qadim" by Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab from the perspective of these two theories and through them to reach the semantic layers and concepts hidden in this poem. Therefore, the questions that we will answer in this article are:

How can the combination of two theories of context and semantic fields lead to the opening of the meanings hidden in the poem "In the Old Market"?

What are the concepts derived from the processing of context theory and semantic fields in the poem?

The difference between this article and the research that has been done so far is that this research combines two theories to extract meaning and study the concepts in the poem in order to achieve a comprehensive analysis of the poet's menus and emotions. Examining the words one by one and their relationship with each other in the form of lexical links, as well as analyzing their meanings in different combinations in the sentence, will help to objectify the concepts hidden in the depth of the text.

Methodology: In this article, an attempt is made to examine the concepts desired by the poet as well as the mechanisms of their reflection through semantic fields and context theory. It is worth mentioning that in the analysis of this poem, the relationship between words is first studied in the framework of semantic field theory, then the relationship between the same words and the reason for their use is discussed through the context and general space of the poem. The concepts that are examined in this article from the perspective of context theory and semantic fields are: the emergence of pervasive grief, hatred of aggression and mental confusion, mental loss and confusion of thought, eagerness to return home, fascination and respect. Homeland, the constant feeling of homesickness.

Results: The findings of the study of the poem "In the Old Market" show that by applying the two theories of context and semantic fields, it is possible to read different literary works and obtain hidden layers of their meanings. Together with each other and by expanding the analysis of a literary text and presenting other aspects of the hidden meanings, these two theories provide a new manifestation of the discovery of the content of literary texts, and this makes It can be considered an approach to enjoy more reading a text. By examining the propositions and words analyzed by semantic contexts and fields, the presence and emergence of new concepts was realized; The use of words with different semantic domains and their classification based on the type of emotion, mood and also based on the language and structure of the text, leads to concepts such as bewilderment, homelessness, incompatibility with groups of people and life in between. They and the occurrence of unlimited grief resulting from these matters, because the words and their use due to the linguistic context of the text, indicate the inflexible personality and the poet's dependence on the former homeland; However, in the midst of all the misery and hardship, an window of enlightenment and hope has appeared, and that is the desire to return to the homeland again, and this is due to the fascination with the motherland and the creation of belonging from the same interest that the thought of returning. It is full of color in its institution; Therefore, from all the above statements, it was concluded that the holes of light and illumination should be sought in the heart of darkness, and the two terms "belonging" and "possibility of resurrection" cause hope to survive in the midst of spiritual hardships and bad conditions. It is external.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • semantics
  • semantic fields
  • context
  • ode "
  • in the old market"
  • meaning transfer
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