تحلیل کهن الگوها در شعر «لیندا نصار» بر اساس نظریه ی روان شناختی یونگ (مطالعه ی موردی نقاب و سایه)

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری رشته زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه خلیج فارس، بوشهر، إیران

2 دانشیار گروه زبان و ادبیات عربی، دانشگاه خلیج فارس، بوشهر ، إیران

3 استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشکده ادبیات، دانشگاه واسط، عراق



کارل گوستاو یونگ بعد از جدا شدن از مکتب فروید، نظریه­ی ناخودآگاه جمعی را پی‌ریزی کرد و برای روان شخصیتیِ انسان، پنج الگو در نظر­گرفت که عبارتند از: خود، سایه، نقاب، آنیما و آنیموس؛ در نقد روانکاوی از این پنج عامل به وفور یاد می‌شود. نقد کهن‌الگویی در پی بررسی ناخودآگاه جمعی است که یونگ نقاب و سایه را از مهم‌ترین و اساسی‌ترین عوامل در تکامل شخصیّت انسان می‌داند. یونگ بر این عقیده است که این کهن‌الگوها وجه مشترک بشر است و در شعر بیشتر نمود پیدا می‌کنند. با توجّه به سازگاری کهن‌الگوهای نقاب و سایه در شعر لیندا نصّار، این پژوهش در نظر دارد تا شعر وی را به روش توصیفی– تحلیلی مورد کاوش قرار دهد و خویشتن، نقاب‌ها، سایه‌ها و روش به کارگیری آنها را در شعر وی تعیین و تبیین نماید. لیندا نصّار شاعر لبنانی در مجموعه­ی «لأنّی فی عُزلة»، انسان شعری خود را همراه با نقاب نشان می‌دهد. این نقاب گاهی شخصیت‌های اسطوره‌ای و گاهی شخصیت‌های اجتماعی بوده که با هم‌ذات پنداری با شخصیت‌ها به طرح عقایدش می‌پردازد. همچنین در ضمیر ناخودآگاه انسانِ مورد نظر لیندا، سایه‌هایی هست؛ که فرد می‌کوشد تا آنها را پنهان نگاه دارد. یافته‌های پژوهش نشان می‌دهد لیندا رفتارهایی چون شر، بدی، گناه، طمع و دزدی را سایه و خصلت‌های خوبی چون زهد، ایمان، رحمت و مهربانی را نقابی برای شخصیت انسان جهت حضور در اجتماع برمی‌گزیند و از نقاب‌هایی بهره می‌جوید که در ادبیات با توجّه به نظریّات یونگ قابل انطباق است.


عنوان مقاله [English]

An archetypical analysis of the patterns in Linda Nasser's poetry based on Jung's psychological theory: A case study of mask and shadow

نویسندگان [English]

  • Sadegh Alboghbeish 1
  • Rasoul Balavi 2
  • Majid Marhaj Robat 3
1 PhD student of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr
2 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr
3 Assistant Pofessor of Persian Language and Literature, Wasit University – Iraq
چکیده [English]

Introduction: After breaking away from Freud's school, Karl Gustav Jung developed the collective unconsciousness theory and set five patterns for the human personality psyche including the Self, the Shadow, the Persona, the Animus, and the Anima. In psychoanalysis, these five factors are used extensively. Archeological criticism seeks to examine the collective subconscious that Jung considers persona and shadow to be the most important and fundamental factors in the evolution of human personality. Jung believes that these archetypes are a common feature of all mankind and can be found in poetry. Considering the compatibility of the masks and shadows archives in the poetry of Linda Nasser, the present study makes attempts to explore her poetry in a descriptive-analytical way and to identify and explain the nature, personas, shadows and their use in her poetry. Linda Nasser, a Lebanese poet, in the Laenni Fi Uzlat (which means because I'm in isolation) collection, shows her poetic man with a persona. This persona is sometimes a mythical and sometimes a social character drawing on his ideas with a sense of identity. Moreover, in the human subconscious desired by Linda, there are shadows that one tries to keep hidden. The research findings suggest that Linda chooses behaviors such as evil, badness, sin, greed, and theft as shadows, and good traits such as stoicism, faith, mercy, and kindness as the traits of the human character in the community. These traits are carefully considered in the literature and are adaptable to Jung's theories.
Methodology: The conservative Arab society in general and the Lebanese society in particular and the cultural and social practices in these societies create a gap between the text and the society, and the author tries to hide behind the text. Linda Nasar is a poetess who uses archetypes to describe herself. She shows herself, chooses the shadow and the mask so that she can continue her life from these archetypes. She also shows the meanings of the words to their readers by applying masks and shadows. Considering this study, the study of "Lani in solitude" and the critique of Carl Jung's archetype, it can be concluded that Linda Nassar also used archetypes such as fear of society's misconceptions, evil on the part of people in society, sinful deeds and public opinion about it, good and evil, and categories that introduce these two. Each of these archetypes indicates a particular behavior and can be subdivided into shadows and masks. This research seeks to show the shadow and mask in Linda Nasar's poetry a using descriptive-analytical method.
Results and Discussion:  Archetypes that indicate disgusting behavior which every person seeks to hide are a subset of shadow, while appropriate social behaviors are a subset of mask. Linda Nassar's man has the same archetypes, shadows and masks. There are many reasons for her using archetypes, the most important of which is the conservative Lebanese society and the lack of physical and mental freedom of women in such a society. Linda refers to the bad temperament of human beings who are in the shadows, and everyone is aware of its existence and tries to hide it. The other person Linda talks about is full of evil and negative shadows. She describes the existence of such shadows as evil, hatred, resentment and sin. Linda Nassar resorts to shadows and masks to avoid the criticism of the society and its people, and she embodies two worlds in one direction, a world that adapts to reality and a world is what others want.
Conclusion:  The poetess shows her hopes and aspirations for the shadow and induces her fear to the reader for successive masks. In this study, an attempt was made to examine the reasons for the use of masks and shadows in Linda Nassar's poetry according to Carl Jung's theory. It was found that the poet used many archetypes to fill the void caused by fear. The poetess is capable of conveying issues in an artistic and literary way. In societies where women's minds and bodies are involved in conservative and reactionary thoughts, it is necessary to speak in secret. The work of the eminent Lebanese poetess Linda Nassar conveys her thoughts by choosing the codes of mask and shadow and presenting a psychoanalytic writing to her reader.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Contemporary Arabic poetry
  • Jung
  • Archetype
  • Persona
  • Linda Nassar
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